Maxillofacial computed tomography: What you need to know

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Le Thao Tram - Radiologist - Radiology Department - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Maxillofacial computed tomography is one of the advanced imaging methods that uses X-rays and imaging techniques to provide accurate results to help doctors diagnose quickly and provide treatment plans. early treatment.

1. What is a computed tomography scan of the face used for?

The maxillofacial CT scan technique is one of the imaging tests that assist doctors in examining diseases related to the maxillofacial region, the nose, sinuses, and throat. At the same time, it is also a complementary method to conventional radiographic techniques.
Diagnosis of diseases related to maxillofacial is quite difficult because when trauma occurs, hematomas and swelling can obscure the extent of the underlying injury. If not diagnosed correctly it can cause permanent disfigurement and disability.

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Các bệnh lý về hàm mặt thường khó được chẩn đoán

2. Indications / contraindications for which diseases?

2.1. Indication for maxillofacial CT
The doctor will order a maxillofacial CT scan in cases such as:
● Injury
● Inflammation, infection
● Tumor lesions.
2.2 Contraindications to CT scan of the face
If there is no indication from a doctor or can use other alternative methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Pregnant women, especially during pregnancy period is the first three months
● Children
● Allergies to contrast injections.

3. What should the patient do to prepare before the facial computed tomography scan?

Before the CT scan, the patient will be asked to remove all metal objects such as jewelry, dentures, hairpins... Because they may affect the test results.
The patient will be explained in detail by the specialist and the technician to help the patient cooperate more easily.
If the patient cannot lie still, the doctor may ask the patient to use sedation.

Bệnh nhân tháo bỏ mọi trang sức trước khi tiến hành chụp
Bệnh nhân tháo bỏ mọi trang sức trước khi tiến hành chụp

4. Steps to perform facial computed tomography

The patient is instructed to lie still on the table of the machine, in a relaxed position. If the patient has small movements, it will make the image blurry, reducing the quality of the image as well as the test results.
If the maxillofacial computed tomography is injected with contrast agent, then take additional cross-sectional direction after injection.
Results of the testing process:
● Describe in detail the maxillofacial lesion such as lesion location, lesion structure, size and spread of the lesion...
● Compare and contrast images CT with clinical
● Based on the results, can make a definite diagnosis or may require some other additional tests to help diagnose and treat the disease.

Kỹ thuật viên sẽ chụp định vị theo hai hướng cắt ngang và đứng ngang
Kỹ thuật viên sẽ chụp định vị theo hai hướng cắt ngang và đứng ngang

In case the patient has an allergic reaction to the contrast medium. The doctor may then use antihistamines or corticosteroids before conducting the test.
Computed tomography of the maxillofacial joint is an imaging method that can assist doctors in examining diseases related to the maxillofacial region, the nose, sinuses, and throat. On the other hand, they are also complementary methods to radiographic techniques. Accordingly, to achieve the best imaging results to provide a timely treatment regimen, you should choose reputable medical facilities to perform.
In order to meet the needs of examination and treatment combined with accompanying medical services, Vinmec International General Hospital has been and continues to invest in modern machines to serve the imaging work. Computerized tomography, X-ray, MRI... in diagnostic imaging, disease treatment, early screening of cancers. With a team of highly qualified and experienced medical doctors, direct consultation, examination and treatment will bring optimal treatment results to customers.
To be examined and treated for Vinmec disease, please come directly to Vinmec Health System or register online HERE.
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