Low blood pressure, sinus bradycardia should be treated like?

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Hello doctor! During the day, I have 4-5 times my heart convulsion (vibration), in 2-3 seconds it goes away, feeling scared and then feeling tired. My blood pressure dropped to 10 degrees 3 years ago, after I was overworked. Right now my blood pressure is still 10 degrees. I went to Saigon to check, measure the ECG, the results of sinus bradycardia. Thanks to the doctor for treatment advice, thanks!
Nguyen Minh Tien (1978)
Hello! According to the results you provided, you have sinus bradycardia and symptoms such as fatigue, nervousness, convulsions.... You should visit directly and consult with cardiologists - Hospitals under the Medical System. Vinmec hospital to have the right treatment for your health condition.
Looking forward to meeting you to check your current health condition in detail. Thank you for trusting and sharing your worries with Vinmec. Best regards.
Answered by Master, Doctor Do Nguyen Thuy Doan Trang - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

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