Learn the technique of bronchodilator nebulization

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Nebulized bronchodilators are therapy used to treat respiratory conditions that cause airway obstruction such as bronchospasm. They are also used to assist patients with mechanical ventilation or to produce sputum.

1. Nebulization of bronchodilators

Bronchodilator aerosol technique is a method of nebulization using bronchodilators to deliver drugs into the patient's trachea and bronchi. In the form of spray particles, the drug will quickly penetrate into the mucosal layer and work faster.
Nebulized bronchodilators are applied to treat respiratory diseases that cause airway obstruction such as bronchospasm, and they also have anti-inflammatory properties.

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2. Indications and contraindications for nebulization of bronchodilators

Nebulized bronchodilators are indicated in the following cases:
Patients with bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Treatment of asthma attacks and acute COPD. The patient developed laryngospasm after extubation. Patients with other respiratory diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux syndrome, bronchospasm. Assist the patient with artificial ventilation (ventilator) or expectoration. Nebulized bronchodilators are contraindicated in patients who are allergic to bronchodilators.

3. How is bronchodilator aerosol technique performed?

Nebulization of bronchodilators is done as follows:
Step 1: Place the patient in a comfortable position. Step 2: The nurse gives the bronchodilator into the nebulizer. Step 3: Start the nebulizer, observe the machine, when you see the spray, the machine starts to work. Step 4: The patient is wearing an aerosol mask. Step 5: During bronchodilator aerosolization, it is necessary to observe and monitor the patient with indicators on the machine such as blood pressure, pulse, breathing rate, SpO2, ... Step 6: End the process aerosol, the nurse removes the mask from the patient's face.

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4. Evaluation of bronchodilator aerosol results

Evaluate the effectiveness of bronchodilator nebulizer therapy with the following indicators:
Decreased peak airway pressure. Platelet pressure decreases endogenous PEEP decreases. Sediment pressure is reduced

5. Complications and management when performing bronchodilator nebulization

During bronchodilator inhalation, if you see any abnormalities that need to be handled as follows:
Patient has difficulty breathing or discomfort: Immediately stop the nebulizer and assess the patient's condition, notify the doctor. doctor. Some possible complications such as allergies, anaphylaxis, urticaria, need to be handled according to drug allergy protocol. Nebulized bronchodilators are therapies used to relieve airway obstruction caused by bronchospasm. However, to ensure effectiveness and minimize complications, patients should choose a reputable facility to perform.
Vinmec International General Hospital has used aerosols in examination and support for many respiratory diseases. Accordingly, the process of aerosolization at Vinmec is carried out methodically and in accordance with the standard procedures by a team of highly skilled doctors and nurses, modern machinery system should bring high efficiency in disease treatment, people The disease can limit many dangerous disease complications
If you have a need for medical examination by modern and highly effective methods at Vinmec, please register for examination HERE.
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