Is twisted ovarian cyst dangerous?

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Ovarian torsion is one of the common complications of ovarian cysts in women. Although this is an uncommon gynecological emergency in clinical practice, if not handled promptly, it can affect a woman's health, especially fertility.

1. What is torsion ovarian tumor?

Ovarian torsion is a phenomenon where ovarian cysts in women are twisted, especially those with the highest rate are ovarian cysts with long stalks, cysts that are not attached to adjacent organs, size is about 8cm to 10cm in diameter and has a medium weight. This condition occurs when a woman's ovaries sag, leading to ovarian torsion and loss of blood supply to the ovaries.
According to many studies, more than 65% of torsion ovarian tumors are torsion of the appendages, including the ovary and fallopian tube. This phenomenon leads to damage to the veins and arteries, causing diffuse edema, capsule distension as well as pressure inside the ovary. In addition, this phenomenon is also the cause of arterial thrombosis, ischemia as well as infarction. It is for this reason that torsion ovarian tumors need to be treated promptly to prevent infection and inflammation from occurring.
Some causes of torsion ovarian cyst in women can be due to daily walking movements, running and jumping activities cause the cyst to move more in the abdomen leading to torsion. Or, for women going through childbirth, the uterus shrinks, making the abdominal cavity more open and the cyst easier to move. The cysts with long stalks, it will not stick to neighboring organizations but easily move, change position, causing torsion.
Ovarian torsion is common in many different ages, but the most common is still the phenomenon of torsion ovarian cyst during pregnancy. A number of studies in the world have proven that as a woman's age increases, that is, at menopause, their ovaries will shrink, so the possibility of ovarian torsion will also decrease. except in the case of cysts. However, postmenopausal women or girls in the pre-pubertal age are still at risk of developing ovarian torsion, but the rate will be lower than women in the childbearing period.
In addition, for patients whose ovaries have a polycystic structure, they are also more likely to have the disease than usual. Polycystic ovary syndrome will include both benign cysts and potentially cancerous cysts, so this condition is easy to cause ovarian torsion and needs to be treated promptly. Patients with long fallopian tubes may also be a risk factor for ovarian torsion.
Patients with a history of infertility treatment have an increased chance of ovarian torsion. The reason is that the drugs that help a woman get pregnant will make the ovaries enlarge, the eggs become more succulent, so the ovaries will be easily flipped and twisted. Therefore, for these cases, female patients need to exercise regularly and reasonably, and should not practice too heavy sports because it will twist the ovaries. Besides, using birth control pills will reduce the phenomenon of ovarian torsion because birth control pills clear the skin, reduce cancer and help prevent ovarian cysts, especially ovarian tumors.

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2. Symptoms of torsion ovarian cyst

Some of the symptoms of ovarian torsion in women are:
Severe pain in the lower abdomen, pain that gradually subsides, initially for about 10 minutes but then subsides to 5 suction and maybe less. Pain accompanied by vomiting. Dizziness, pale skin and mucous membranes, sweating, panic... Abdominal distention in the hypogastric position, localized pain in the pelvic fossa on the side with twisted ovarian tumor. There may be a feeling of needing to urinate, frequent urination, difficulty in urinating due to the tumor pressing on the bladder, or constipation due to the tumor pressing on the rectum, there may also be edema in the lower extremities due to the tumor compressing the venous system.

3. Treatment of ovarian torsion

The state of ovarian torsion can be detected early and treatment of torsion ovarian tumor with appropriate methods can prevent cyst rupture, at this time, the complications that need to be handled will be simpler. great number of. Therefore, when there are abnormal symptoms such as severe lower abdominal pain, nausea, etc., it is necessary to see a doctor immediately to get the earliest diagnosis and treatment. Especially for ovarian torsion during pregnancy is a common case, pregnant women need to attend regular health check-ups for pregnant women to detect the disease in time.
Specific treatment can be surgical resection of the tumor, torsion and possibly conservative or complete removal of the necrotic ovary. In cases where necrosis and peritonitis have appeared, the treatment becomes more complicated, which may cause dangers to the body such as bacterial infection, intestinal adhesions, intestinal obstruction, so it is necessary to be taken to the hospital for implementation. emergency surgery.

4. Is twisted ovarian cyst dangerous?

Twisted ovarian tumor makes the blood circulation to the ovary blocked and stopped, moreover, if this situation continues for a long time, dirty blood will be stagnate in the cysts causing mass. This tumor enlarges causing pressure on other organs. More seriously, once falling into a torsion state, the ovaries cannot return to their original state anymore, so if not detected and treated promptly, it can lead to complications of ovarian rupture, infection, and infection. toxicity, peritonitis, blood loss... and the most dangerous thing is death.

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5. Prevention of torsion ovarian cysts

In order to prevent ovarian cyst from happening, once a woman is discovered that she has an ovarian cyst, a woman needs to monitor her condition so that she can be treated promptly and prevented. Complications of ovarian torsion occur by the following measures:
Small ovarian cysts need to be regularly monitored for tumor size to know the growth of these tumors. For ovarian cysts being treated as prescribed by a doctor, it is necessary to strictly follow the advice of the doctor. After surgery for ovarian cysts, it is necessary to have a follow-up examination according to the schedule set by the treating doctor to monitor and prevent complications of ovarian torsion. Routine physical examination to detect ovarian cysts from the early stages. To prevent the occurrence of ovarian cysts, in daily life, each individual needs to follow the following tips to avoid this disease:
Drink enough filtered water to prevent tumor growth ovarian cysts . Reduce stress and anxiety in daily life to prevent the production of pathological hormones. Exercise regularly to improve health. Maintain a very healthy and scientific diet. Ovarian torsion is a disease that can occur at any age, of which the most common are women of reproductive age. This is an ovarian cyst complication that cannot be ignored because it affects a woman's health, quality of life as well as fertility.
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