Is there a way to treat chronic stomach pain without having to go on a diet?

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Chronic stomach pain, why can it be cured with poultices on the patient's back without any medication or medical equipment, but it only takes 1 hour to 3 hours for the disease to disappear without abstaining. Eating and drinking even drinking alcohol right away but the disease can't recur?
Nguyen Dac Thang ( 1960 )

Thank you for the interesting question. With modern medicine, there is currently no method like you mentioned. Chronic gastritis has many causes, and depending on the cause will have different management and control. You can contact the Hotlines of Vinmec hospitals for consultation.
BSCK I Dong Xuan Ha - Digestive Endoscopy Doctor - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Ha Long General Hospital
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