Is the pain and lump in the chest a sign of puberty or another disease?

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Hello doctor, my son was born in 2008 and two days ago, he discovered that his chest area was swollen and painful. Doctor, is the pain and lump in the chest a sign of puberty or another disease? I thank you.
Anonymous question
Normal changes in boys during puberty start with the development of testicles, growth of the penis, growth of pubic hair around the testicles and penis. In addition, we also see clearly in the rapid growth of height in boys, changes in voice and face, most clearly the voice becomes increasingly loud and resonant, also known as voice cracking, acne. There are many...
Therefore, your child's breast lump and pain may not be puberty but reflect another health problem: trauma causing breast trauma, breast and muscle abscess large breasts... However, for an accurate diagnosis, the doctor recommends that you take your child to a hospital under Vinmec Health System to be examined by a doctor to find out the cause of the pain and lump in the boy. and expert advice.
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