Is liver fluke in humans dangerous?

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Human fascioliasis includes fascioliasis and fascioliasis. Although fluke is not directly life threatening, it is the cause of many serious health complications.

The following article will help readers learn if liver fluke disease is dangerous and what to do to destroy the liver fluke?

1. What is liver fluke?

Human fascioliasis includes fascioliasis and fascioliasis. In Vietnam, the liver fluke disease is caused by the fluke Clonorchis sinensis or Opisthorchis viverrini, the liver fluke disease is usually caused by the fluke Fasciola gigantica.
Large liver fluke and small liver fluke are parasites with complex life cycles, passing through many stages and parasitizing many hosts. Large liver fluke parasitizes in the liver and bile of humans and some animals, the adult flukes lay eggs through the biliary tract into the intestine and out in the feces. If the eggs encounter the aquatic environment, they will hatch into parasitic hairy larvae in snails, then develop into tail larvae that leave the snail and attach to vegetables that grow underwater or swim freely in the water. Humans or cattle will get fascioliasis if they eat aquatic vegetables containing cysts or drink water containing tapeworm larvae.

Hình ảnh sán lá gan ở người
Hình ảnh sán lá gan ở người

The life cycle steps of the small liver fluke are similar to those of the large liver fluke, but after developing into a tail larva, the small liver fluke does not attach to aquatic plants but enters freshwater fish. Deciduous tail larvae develop into parasitic cyst larvae in fish flesh. Humans or animals will contract small liver fluke when eating fish with undercooked cyst larvae.

2. Is liver fluke disease dangerous?

Liver fluke disease in humans is very common in our country and many countries around the world. Small liver fluke disease has been identified and distributed in at least 21 provinces and cities nationwide, in which there are localities with high infection rates of 15-37% such as Ninh Binh, Nam Dinh, Binh Dinh, and Phu Yen. Localities with a high prevalence of small liver fluke infections have the common characteristic of having the custom of eating fish salad, dishes made from raw or undercooked fish. Fascioliasis has now appeared in 47 provinces and cities. The highest infection rate belongs to the central provinces such as Da Nang, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa or in the Central Highlands.

Ăn gỏi cá có thể gây bệnh sán lá gan ở người
Ăn gỏi cá có thể gây bệnh sán lá gan ở người
Liver fluke in humans is a dangerous disease, causing many complications that seriously affect the health of the patient. When infected with large liver fluke, after entering the stomach and duodenum, the cysts will release the larvae. These larvae penetrate the duodenal wall, enter the abdominal cavity and then migrate to grow and develop in the liver parenchyma. In the process of parasitizing in the liver, liver flukes secrete toxic substances that destroy the liver parenchyma, causing liver abscess. After about 2-3 months of development in the liver parenchyma, the fluke can enter the bile duct, continue to grow and lay eggs for a very long time. If not detected and treated, liver flukes can cause cholangiocarcinoma. In a few cases, large liver fluke larvae migrate out of place and cause disease in some other organs such as skin, muscles, joints, breast, stomach, colon,...
Small liver fluke after Infiltrating the liver parenchyma, the young fluke will develop into an adult fluke and lay eggs in the bile ducts. From eating fish with cysts to adult flukes capable of laying eggs in only about a month. The fluke parasites in the bile ducts in the liver, each small liver fluke has two sucking mouths, clinging to the liver to take up food, causing serious damage to the liver and bile ducts such as cirrhosis, biliary obstruction, and sclerosis. bile ducts,... If not treated, fascioliasis can cause cirrhosis, ascites, degenerative liver abscess, these are very serious diseases, with a high risk of death.

3. What to do if you want to kill liver flukes?

To destroy the liver fluke, it is necessary to cut off the link in the development cycle of the liver fluke, in which it is important to prevent the liver fluke from entering the human body through eating. To prevent liver fluke in humans, it is necessary to thoroughly eat cooked, drink boiling water, and do not eat fish dishes that have not been completely cooked, especially fish salad. For vegetables that grow under water such as water spinach, watercress, celery, lotus root, ... the cysts of the liver fluke stick very firmly to these vegetables, so even if you wash them thoroughly with water, It is very difficult to completely eliminate the cyst. To be safe, these vegetables need to be cooked before eating.

Ăn chín uống sôi giúp giảm nguy cơ nhiễm sán lá gan
Ăn chín uống sôi giúp giảm nguy cơ nhiễm sán lá gan

Specific treatment for people infected with liver fluke is also a measure of eradication of pathogens. Patients with small liver fluke often have symptoms such as digestive disorders, loss of appetite, nausea, and weight loss. Patients sometimes have erratic fever, anemia, darkening of the skin, jaundice, and edema of the whole body.. Symptoms of large liver fluke are similar to small liver flukes, mainly digestive disorders, weight loss. , pain and edema, chronic inflammation of the renal tubules, sometimes with fever,... When having the above symptoms, the patient needs to go to a medical facility that specializes in parasitology to be examined and treated. When treated early, the patient usually responds well to treatment and is completely cured. The later the treatment, the more severe the body damage caused by the fluke.
In addition, maintaining environmental hygiene, properly handling the source of feces, building hygienic toilets, not making latrines in ponds or ponds or defecating into water sources, not having fish eat human feces is also a factor. Effective measures to prevent fascioliasis in humans.
Vinmec International General Hospital is an effective address for examination, diagnosis, testing and treatment of liver fluke disease. At Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital, the liver fluke disease was cured after only 3 days of treatment. In particular, in order to improve the results of accurate diagnosis of the disease, at present, Vinmec is fully equipped with imaging diagnostic facilities such as CT, MRI, liver ultrasound, ELISA test, bile fluid test, etc. .. the most modern to find parasites, liver flukes, parasites in humans. Therefore, when there are signs of illness, you can go to Vinmec International General Hospital for examination and treatment.

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