Is lettuce mask good and should be applied daily?

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Lettuce not only helps with appetite but also supports good digestion. Lettuce also has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, diuretic and antiseptic. Therefore, the lettuce mask is used by many women to treat hidden acne and beautify the skin.

1. What good is the lettuce mask?

Lettuce is a vegetable with a water content of up to 80%, so it has a very good pH balance effect, especially for those with oily skin. Not only that, lettuce is also rich in Lycopene - this is a substance that has the ability to block UV rays, fade dark spots, remove melasma and reduce freckles very effectively. Thanks to the benefits that Lycopene brings, the face will be whiter and brighter after a long time using the lettuce mask.
In particular, the anti-inflammatory properties in lettuce have a very good effect to help disinfect and support the recovery of weakened skin cells. Therefore, the mask for hidden acne is a very effective solution for those who are looking for a smooth and shiny skin. When applying a mask of lettuce regularly, the tiny acne spots will gradually be blown away, giving you the skin you want.

2. So should you wear a mask of lettuce every day?

Many women, after learning about the benefits of a mask for acne, immediately apply and quickly use it, but do not know whether to apply a face mask every day? In fact, the answer is no. Because each of us's skin always needs a break, so do not abuse the mask of lettuce to treat hidden acne every day, this cycle will cause the skin to become overactive and weaker. Accordingly, the skin surface is also eroded, the natural moisture of the skin is also lost.
The most suitable frequency is to apply a mask of lettuce to treat hidden acne is from 2 to 3 times a week and it is necessary to protect the skin carefully from the sun after applying. Depending on the location and skin type, the results of this mask for each person are different, in fact some people are not suitable for skin irritation.

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Rau diếp cá có rất nhiều công dụng làm đẹp

3. Lettuce mask recipe for acne and skin care

After answering the question: "Is the lettuce mask good and should I apply it every day?" Then the next step we should take is to determine the purpose of taking care of and beautifying our skin, from which to choose the right lettuce mask recipe.
3.1. Lettuce mask for hidden acne combined with honey Lettuce and honey are a very effective combination that is very effective in treating hidden acne, blackheads, and acne, trusted by many women. every time unpleasant acne spots appear on the skin.
How to make a mask of lettuce and honey as follows:
Step 1: Wash the lettuce and drain; Step 2: Puree the lettuce, then filter the distilled water; Step 3: Mix the mixture of lettuce and honey in a ratio of 3: 1 and absorb this mixture on the skin; Step 4: Keep the mask of lettuce and honey for 20 minutes on the skin and then wash the face. 3.2. Lettuce mask combined with fresh milk The combination of lettuce with fresh milk brings great benefits for those who are treating hidden acne and want to have a bright and smooth skin.
How to do:
Step 1: Wash lettuce and soak in fresh milk until the leaves are soaked with water and turn light green; Step 2: Puree the lettuce leaves and filter the water; Step 3: Dip the paper mask into the filtered lettuce juice, apply on the skin for 10-15 minutes; Step 4: Wash your face with warm water.

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Mặt nạ diếp cá trị mụn ẩn kết hợp cùng mật ong

3.3. Combine lettuce mask to treat hidden acne with sea salt Because sea salt contains substances with high antiseptic properties as well as effective in reducing inflammation. Therefore, the combination of lettuce leaves with sea salt is an indispensable choice for skin that wants to get rid of hidden acne.
How to do it:
Step 1: Wash a sufficient amount of lettuce; Step 2: Put the washed lettuce in a puree with sea salt; Step 3: Apply this mixture for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse with water. In short, the lettuce mask has the ability to treat hidden acne as well as beautify it very well. As long as you persistently maintain the use of lettuce mask from 2 to 3 times a week, this method will surely bring your skin significant effects thanks to its excellent ability to treat hidden acne. .

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