Is it okay for children to hide from cows?

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The article was consulted with Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi An - Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
Every child has his or her own developmental milestone in acquiring important skills early in life. “Cow” is one of them. There are babies 6-7 months old crawling, there are babies 13-14 months before they start to crawl. But there are also many children hiding from crawling. Is it okay for children to hide from crawling or is it simply that they are faster and stronger than other children?

1. Crawling is the transitional stage of essential motor skills

The skill of crawling and crawling is considered a natural form of movement in the developmental stages of a child. Most babies will have to go through stages of rolling over, sitting, crawling, standing, walking. However, many children also switch from lying down to sitting and walking, skipping the stage of rolling and crawling. This is becoming more and more common as today's diets make children overweight more and more.
However, according to pediatric experts, although this is not harmful to the health of babies, in fact, in terms of developing motor skills, thinking skills and cognition The fact that the child abandons the crawling phase completely is not beneficial for the child's body.
For babies aged 7-10 months, if your baby can't support his or her weight or doesn't have the energy to move, talk to your pediatrician. This may be due to the child's low muscle tone (when the brain doesn't send nerve impulses to the muscles or the muscles don't receive these signals, this can lead to muscle weakness).
For babies over 1 year old who are not yet able to crawl, roll or lean to one side, especially if the child is not reaching other developmental milestones. For some children this is considered normal, but in some cases it can be a sign of some neurological problem, such as a brain disorder, which is diagnosed around 8,000 babies annually.
The crawling phase of young children is very important and even encouraged to teach the baby to crawl as well as to familiarize the baby with toys that stimulate the baby to learn to crawl in countries with developed medicine and education strong.

Kỹ năng trườn, bò được xem là hình thức vận động tự nhiên nằm trong các giai đoạn phát triển của trẻ
Kỹ năng trườn, bò được xem là hình thức vận động tự nhiên nằm trong các giai đoạn phát triển của trẻ

2. The role of crawling skills in the physical development of children in the first years of life

Crawling is a skill that requires children to mobilize the whole body, including legs, arms, torso, neck, and head), and must have a smooth coordination of movement between body parts. It is a combination of many senses and requires sharp observation skills.
Therefore, crawling is not only an exercise but also an exercise that helps children train extremely well and helps children's brains develop comprehensively.
Crawling not only helps children develop motor skills but also problem solving skills, observation skills, memory and flexible reaction, thinking and language skills.
According to recent studies, the crawling movement promotes the balance function of the cerebellum, so if the baby skips the crawling stage, it is a pretty big disadvantage, unlike many people who are still proud that "my baby walks away" don't want to crawl."
Children's ability to read, write and pronounce normally later on often develops more slowly than other babies when they skip the crawling stage, not to mention their gait is also affected by crawling.

Khả năng phát âm thường sau này của trẻ thường phát triển chậm hơn các bé khác khi trẻ trốn bò
Khả năng phát âm thường sau này của trẻ thường phát triển chậm hơn các bé khác khi trẻ trốn bò

3. How should children learn to crawl?

Thus, parents should encourage their baby to learn to crawl instead of being happy to see that their child refuses to crawl but stands because of the positive effects of crawling on the child's physical development.
It is necessary to train children to crawl according to the active method of teaching children, this means creating physical and environmental conditions for children to crawl on their own, not force them to crawl. As soon as the baby learns to turn over, the mother needs to practice the crawling movement and raise the baby's head to prepare for the crawling movement later.
By placing the baby on his stomach, mother's hand grasping the baby's feet and placing the heels together, pushing the baby's thighs to the sides, you can help the baby learn to crawl. Reflexively, the baby will move forward a bit, to create a fulcrum for the baby, at this time, the mother needs to press her hand on the bed. From the time your baby is 3-4 months old, you can practice these movements.
In fact, there are many parents who are trying to change their baby's crawling. According to experts, this is considered unnecessary and not easy to do. Parents should only guide their children with basic movements because each child has a different style. That is how children walk on their knees and feet while their stomach is facing down to ensure balance. This helps the child to maintain balance and to not be thrown forward and fall to the floor.
Let the baby lie on his stomach and use toys with attractive colors and sounds to attract him to look up when he exercises the head-lifting movement. For the child to raise his head and gradually raise his body, move the toy slowly up a little higher when the child has raised his eyes to follow.

4. Encourage children to be active regularly

Parents need to pay attention to ensuring that children have a nutritious diet combined with appropriate exercise for healthy development. In addition, the baby is not overweight is also something to pay attention to to prepare well for the process of baby crawling. Often overweight children are lazy to exercise and have difficulty moving flexibly, so it is easy to affect natural skills in the development process.
Encourage children to crawl with attractive toys.
Once the baby is stable, encourage him to crawl. To encourage your baby to crawl, prepare an attractive toy that can roll or run, if there is music playing, the better. In the beginning, the mother can have the child chase the toy in a straight line. Gradually, when the baby crawls better, the mother can redirect the toy so that the baby turns and crawls along.
In addition to teaching children to crawl, parents need to pay attention to creating a favorable and safe environment for children. You need to prepare a space for the baby to crawl without obstacles, not too hard because the possibility of the baby hitting his forehead on the floor is quite possible. In addition, the space for children to crawl should be dry, non-slip, without electrical outlets or things that can be dangerous for the baby, when the baby learns to crawl, it should stay away from the area near the stairs, the kitchen, and the door. ..
When children crawl, they should wear neat and easy-to-move clothes such as body shirts, T-shirts, shorts...avoid all kinds of loose skirts that not only make it difficult for children to crawl, but also easily trip children. . To protect children's knees, mothers can let children wear long pants or use knee socks for children.

Bố mẹ cần đảm bảo cho trẻ một chế độ ăn giàu dinh dưỡng để trẻ phát triển khỏe mạnh
Bố mẹ cần đảm bảo cho trẻ một chế độ ăn giàu dinh dưỡng để trẻ phát triển khỏe mạnh
When a child has abnormal signs of health, parents can take the child to Vinmec Health system for timely examination and treatment.
To help children achieve important developmental milestones, in addition to nutrition, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, and selenium. B vitamins help to meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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