Is it okay for babies to have white pimples on their face?

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Hello doctor. I am currently having a baby for 9 days, I see that there are more and more tiny white particles in the baby's face, is it okay? Ask your doctor for advice. Thank you sincerely.
Anonymous question
Hello! Your baby was born at 9 days old, white lithium particles appear as millet rash (Milia). On average, 4 out of every 10 newborns are born with millet (also known as millet acne). They are small sacs containing patches of keratin, caused by blocked ducts under the skin. Having this blockage is due to the immature skin of the baby. Newborns receive hormones from their mothers through breast milk. This hormone stimulates the oil glands to grow stronger, increasing sebum secretion more, causing clogged pores. Newborn babies' pores are not mature, so it's easier for skin cells, dirt and sebum to hide and reside there.
To improve the situation of tiny white pimples floating on your child's face, you can apply a few ways:
Bathing and cleaning baby's face every day is the most important. For babies with millet acne, they should be bathed with clean water or baby shower gel. Avoid bathing the leaves according to folklore, because it contains many risks, which can cause more severe inflammation. Try to keep the baby's face dry, if the baby sweats, gently wipe it with a cotton towel. Always wash your hands when touching your baby's face. Do not rub, squeeze or squeeze pimples. Avoid applying lotion or oil on your baby's face as it will clog his pores even more. Avoid exposing your baby to smoky environments, people with skin infections. Children who are prescribed do not need to apply medicine and recover on their own. Sometimes some medications can cause allergic reactions on the skin, so topical application is not recommended. However, if after 3 months, the acne on the baby's skin is still a lot, you should take your baby to the nearest medical facility or hospital of Vinmec Health System for examination and advice.
Thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec Health System.

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