Is it good for children to eat green beans?

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For adults, green beans can be used to process into many attractive and healthy dishes. However, “is it good for children to eat green beans?” This is a question that many parents care about and want to know the answer to.

1. Green beans and nutritional value

Green beans are native to tropical climates, which is already quite familiar to everyone. Nutritional composition of mung beans is rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth of the body.
In the mung bean seed contains up to 14% water content, 23.4% protein, 2.4% lipid, 53.1% glucose, 4.7% cellulose, along with other trace elements such as: Calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins such as: Carotenoids, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin PP, vitamin C. In addition, the composition of mung beans also contains special substances such as phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl ethanolamine... It also prevents the aging process of the body.
In daily life, mung beans can be used to brew bean sprouts or other drinks, mung bean pudding, rice paper... Dishes made from green beans always have high nutrient content. quite high, good for the health of the user.

Trẻ em “ăn đậu xanh có tốt không?” thì câu trả lời là có
Trẻ em “ăn đậu xanh có tốt không?” thì câu trả lời là có

2. Is it good for children to eat green beans?

Although known as a cereal with rich nutritional content and good for health, many people still wonder "is it good for children to eat green beans?" Or for “Can an 8 month old baby eat green beans?” . To answer this question, it is first necessary to analyze the benefits that green beans can bring to the health and development of children.
Green beans are good for the digestive system: The rich fiber content in green beans can be beneficial for the digestive system of children. Specifically, in 200 grams of cooked green beans will provide about 15.4 grams of fiber, including soluble fiber - pectin to help digest food more easily. In addition, the resistant starch in chickpeas also acts as soluble fiber and provides beneficial gut bacteria. These beneficial bacteria will digest resistant starch and convert these resistant starches into short-chain fatty acids, which have the function of nourishing cells in the large intestine, and at the same time strengthening the immune system for the intestinal tract. and reduce the risk of colon cancer. Green beans prevent heat stroke of the body: Consuming a dish made from green beans especially in the hot season can help prevent the body from heat stroke thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, antioxidants such as isovitexin or vitexin found in green beans also help protect cells in the body from damage caused by heat shock. Green beans have the effect of preventing chronic diseases: The ingredients in green beans contain quite a lot of powerful antioxidants such as: phenolic acids, flavonoids, caffeic acid, cinnamic acid... Used to help neutralize free radicals in the body, prevent chronic inflammation or related diseases such as heart disease, cancer. In particular, some scientific studies have also shown the role of antioxidants from green beans that can help reduce the development of lung and stomach cancer. Green beans help prevent heart-related diseases: In green beans, they contain a large amount of vitamin B complex, which helps blood in the body circulate easily, and at the same time reduces a number of diseases related to heart disease. Heart. Proper use of green beans will help reduce bad cholesterol in the body. Chickpeas help lower blood pressure in people with symptoms of high blood pressure. Green beans help reduce blood sugar in people with diabetes: Thanks to the high fiber and protein content in green beans, it can help slow the release of sugar into the blood. Along with that, antioxidants such as vitexin and isovitexin in mung beans work to help regulate blood sugar levels, helping insulin work more effectively. Children "is it good to eat green beans?". The answer is yes, if used properly, green beans can help strengthen the immune system for children thanks to their rich vitamin C content. A healthy immune system will help protect children from harmful viral and bacterial attacks from the environment, effectively preventing infectious diseases.
In addition, green beans can also help children grow and develop comprehensively. The composition of green beans is rich in folic acid, so it helps promote the development of red blood cells, and helps the organs in the body develop and maintain normal activities. Moreover, folic acid in green beans is also very good for the brain development of children.

Trẻ em ăn đậu xanh có tốt không là thắc mắc của nhiều cha mẹ
Trẻ em ăn đậu xanh có tốt không là thắc mắc của nhiều cha mẹ

3. Use green beans in children's meals reasonably

Most babies are recommended to eat solid foods from 6 months of age onwards. However, at this time, it is not possible to introduce all foods for children to get used to. The use of green beans can cause the digestive system of children to be stimulated and lead to indigestion, flatulence... Therefore, children should only be used to foods made from green beans when they are 8 months old. above. If possible, consult your doctor before adding any new foods to your child's daily nutritional menu.
When using green beans in children's meals, parents should also note the following issues:
The benefits that green beans bring can be maximized when used appropriately and in the right dose. In case parents let children use too much green beans, it can affect the digestive system, causing symptoms, bloating, indigestion... Use pureed green beans before giving them to children to eat. to prevent choking. Parents should give their children dried and prepared beans at home instead of using canned and processed green beans. In case parents use canned green beans, they should be washed to remove excess salt. Although chickpeas are also quite safe for children, in the first attempts parents also need to observe carefully so that they can detect food allergy symptoms and have a timely treatment plan. In short, "is it good for children to eat green beans?" This is a common question asked by many parents. However, remember, all foods are only really good for children when used appropriately and in the right dosage. Parents should only give green beans to their children when they are 8 months old or older. Can combine green beans with other foods to increase nutritional value, help children develop the most comprehensive.
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