Is it good for children to eat avocados?

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Avocados can help children perfect their immune system, develop their brains, gain healthy weight, and be antibacterial to minimize skin-related diseases... These benefits can help mothers answer yes. the question "is it good for children to eat avocados".

1.About Overview

Avocado is a large tree that can grow up to 20m tall. Avocados have a thin skin and a large seed in the center of the fruit. This plant is quite suitable in tropical and temperate climates.
Avocados are classified into a group of foods with quite rich nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates, sugar, fiber, fat... Especially, avocados also contain many vitamins such as A, D, K, E. , B... and other essential minerals. The highlight of the avocado's nutritional composition is the monounsaturated fat. Because this is a nutrient that cannot be obtained from any plant-based food.
With the abundant nutrient content in avocado, consuming it every day can bring many health benefits. However, children have immature digestive systems, so parents often wonder, "Do children eat avocado well?"

2. Is avocado good for children to eat?

Avocados contain many nutrients that are good for both adults and children. The benefits that avocados can bring to children's health are:
Avocado works to help children's digestive system work smoothly and better. Constipation symptoms are very common in children, especially when they start to eat solid foods. To overcome this situation as well as help improve the digestive system of children, parents can use avocados in their children's diets. Avocados help develop children's brains: In the nutritional composition of avocados, they contain quite high levels of omega 3 fatty acids. This is a fatty acid that has a good effect on the development of the central nervous system of children. If children are eating avocado from the beginning of weaning, it can help children have the ability to maximize brain development. Moreover, avocado also helps to enhance memory thanks to the synthesis of B vitamins. Avocados help improve children's immune systems: About 14% of the potassium content in avocados is good for children's immune systems. Even the amount of potassium in avocado is 60% more than the potassium content in banana. This can help mothers answer the question "is it good for children to eat avocados". Avocados can help you gain weight safely: Avocados have a lot of healthy fats in them. These fats are usually composed of monounsaturated fats and do not contain cholesterol. Therefore, it can be seen as a good choice in children's meals, helping them gain weight steadily. Avocados help reduce diaper rash and dermatitis: A baby's skin is still immature and fragile, so it is very susceptible to damage if it is affected by external factors or by pathogenic bacteria. Avocado's antibacterial properties like omega 3, carotenoids and vitamins can help reduce skin-related conditions. Avocados help freshen breath: For babies who are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months, their mouth will have a sour taste. But when children use avocado, this sour smell can be eliminated. Because in the composition of avocado, it helps to clean the hydrolyzed residues in the intestinal tract of children. That makes the baby's mouth become more fragrant.

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Trẻ em có hệ tiêu hóa chưa hoàn thiện nên cha mẹ thường thắc mắc “trẻ em ăn bơ tốt không”

3. Is it good for children to eat avocado a lot?

With the special benefits that avocados bring, the appropriate use will bring certain effects. Parents do not think that because avocados have many nutrients, they will give children a lot of food. Using a lot of avocado for children can irritate the digestive tract, making children always feel uncomfortable, bloated, and bloated. Moreover, in avocado there is quite a lot of collagen, if not fully digested, it can cause accumulation and damage to the liver. Therefore, parents should give children a moderate amount of avocado to help provide enough nutrients for children. If the child is in the process of being treated for an illness and using medicine, parents should consult with a treating doctor to consider whether or not they should use avocado during this time.
In addition, when parents want to introduce new foods to their children, they need to follow the principle that children should use less and monitor the children's reactions to that food. Because some children have a food allergy, when using it can appear symptoms such as dizziness, rash, nausea or vomiting... Moreover, if you eat a lot of avocados, it can reduce good cholesterol. (Cholesterol HDL) in the body. Because avocado can also absorb these cholesterol in the child's body.
Besides, choosing the time to use avocado also plays an important role in deciding the benefits of avocado for health. Normally, children eat 1⁄6 avocados to provide adequate nutrients. Therefore, to ensure the health of the child, parents can give the child half a fruit a day and should only eat it 2 to 3 times a week. The best time for babies to eat avocado is usually in the morning or 1 to 2 hours before meals. Do not let children eat avocado in the evening because the vegetable fat content in butter is very high, which can cause children to feel uncomfortable.
In summary, avocado is classified as a food group with quite rich nutrients, good for the development of children. To maximize the benefits of avocado for health, parents should give children a moderate amount and should not use avocado in the evening.
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