Is end stage bone cancer curable?

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Video content is professionally consulted by Professor, Doctor, Doctor Tran Trung Dung - Director of Center for Orthopedic Trauma and Sports Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
As with most cancers, bone cancer is often detected when the disease is at an advanced stage. The chance of a cure is very low. However, doctors can assess the condition, general health progress as well as determine treatment methods to help prolong life and improve the quality of life for patients.
“What is bone cancer?” or “is it curable with terminal bone cancer?” This is definitely an issue that many people are concerned about right now. According to Professor, Doctor, Doctor Tran Trung Dung - Director of the Center for Orthopedic Trauma and Sports Medicine - Vinmec Times City General Hospital, most patients with bone tumors are detected when the disease is already at an advanced stage. late stage, ie end stage bone cancer. At this time, the treatment will face many difficulties, mainly to prolong the patient's life time, reduce pain and discomfort symptoms and improve the patient's quality of life.
Most people with bone cancer will metastasize to the lungs due to the specificity of cancer cell migration. People with late-stage bone cancer still apply treatment measures such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy to destroy cancer cells locally and metastasize or localize the tumor so as not to metastasize. The length of time a person with terminal cancer survives depends on many factors. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions for treatment.
Center for Orthopedic Trauma & Sports Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital specializes in treating injuries and conditions related to the musculoskeletal system and ligaments.
The center has expertise in surgery and treatment of diseases:
Partial or complete replacement of artificial bones and joints; Replacement of hip, knee, elbow; The first and only reversible shoulder joint replacement in Vietnam; Arthroscopic surgery to regenerate and repair damage to ligaments and meniscus; Bone cancer, bone and soft tissue tumors of motor organs; Intensive Rehabilitation in Sports Medicine; Mobility analytics to diagnose, monitor, and improve performance for athletes; diagnose and support patient recovery. The center is applying modern and cutting-edge technologies to treatment such as 3D imaging and 3D printing of bones and artificial joints, 3D-printed and personalized assistive technology, manufacturing technology. Creation and application of artificial bones and joints with new materials and precise surgical techniques by Robot.

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