Is abdominal pain a sign of colon spasm?

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Hello doctor!
Last night, after eating mixed vermicelli, I felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach, passing stool a few times. After taking a bath, I felt tired and had a headache, so I took my temperature (25 degrees). After clamping the temperature, I drank prepackaged hot ginger tea, wiped my body with warm water and went to bed. At 4 a.m., I started having intermittent abdominal cramps, from the lower edge of my abdomen to the hollow between my ribs, feeling chest tightness, like being pressed, feeling like vomiting but I couldn't. Doctor tell me what's wrong with me? Is it a colon spasm? This is my first time having this. I hope the doctor can help me.
Anonymous question
The temperature of 25 degrees 9 is my measurement wrong, so the doctor does not know if I have a fever or not, but the symptoms you describe may be a sign of digestive disorders caused by food. You need to measure your temperature again, if you have a fever, loose stools, you should go to the hospital for timely treatment. If you only have abdominal discomfort, you should eat light, easy-to-digest liquid foods within 1-2 days for your body to adjust itself. Wish you well!
Thank you for sending your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Answered by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi Cam Tu - Gastroenterologist - Department of General Internal Medicine - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
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