Insulin resistance in women with PCOS

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The article is professionally consulted by Professional Advisor, Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Dang Mich and Master, Doctor Do Xuan Chien - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
Insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome is one of the causes of polycystic ovaries. The disease can affect a woman's ability to conceive naturally and increase the risk of many other dangerous diseases.

1. What is polycystic ovary?

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition in which a woman has too much male sex hormone in her body and low female sex hormone. That makes ovulation irregular, long-term leading to hormone imbalance. If not treated early, it can seriously affect health, especially fertility.
Too much male sex hormone in the body can prevent ovulation, causing the egg to fill up in the follicle. In many cases, the ovaries are enlarged and contain many small clusters of cysts.

Buồng trứng đa nang là tình trạng phụ nữ có quá nhiều hormone sinh dục nam trong cơ thể trong khi lượng hormone sinh dục nữ lại có ít
Buồng trứng đa nang là tình trạng phụ nữ có quá nhiều hormone sinh dục nam trong cơ thể trong khi lượng hormone sinh dục nữ lại có ít

2. Insulin resistance in polycystic ovary women

Insulin is an extremely important hormone that helps control sugar in the body and aids in the metabolism of blood sugar into cells. If the body is insulin resistant, it means that the tissues are resistant to the effects of insulin, disrupting the body's ability to use insulin. At that time, the pancreas will secrete more insulin to provide enough sugar for the cells to function. Excess insulin will increase androgen production, hinder the development of follicles, reduce the ability of the ovaries to ovulate, adversely affecting the health of the patient.
Most women with PCOS will develop insulin resistance, which means the body reacts with insulin resistance, not allowing sugar to be metabolized. Patients will be treated by supplementing insulin, bringing sugar into the cells, storing and providing energy for the body.

3. Signs of polycystic ovaries

Normally, a woman's menstrual cycle is between 30 and 35 days. The primary sign of PCOS is an irregular menstrual cycle, which may last longer or appear earlier. In addition, the patient also has signs such as:
Skin problems: Lots of acne, many dark patches of skin, especially in the armpits or around the neck; Excessive hair growth on face, chest, abdomen, back... Difficulty conceiving; Mood swings, depression; Sleep apnea ; Sudden weight gain, obesity; Hair loss.

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4. Is polycystic ovary dangerous?

Patients with PCOS may experience problems such as:
Risk of infertility: Polycystic ovaries affect the ability to ovulate, so natural conception also has problems, which can lead to infertility. infertility in women ; Diabetes: About 50% of women with PCOS have diabetes, mostly type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. It is caused by dysregulation of the hormone estrogen and insulin resistance; High blood pressure: People with polycystic ovary syndrome have a high risk of high blood pressure; High cholesterol: The amount of bad cholesterol in people with PCOS is often higher than good cholesterol, the risk of cardiovascular disease is high; Endometrial cancer: Obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes... can increase the risk of endometrial cancer Women with polycystic ovaries can go to Vinmec International General Hospital for a visit. examination and treatment. Vinmec has a team of gynecologists with rich expertise and experience in the examination and treatment of benign gynecological diseases, emergency diseases and diseases related to reproductive endocrinology, capable of synchronous implementation. and effective methods of diagnosis and treatment, with the support of a system of modern technical equipment according to international standards.

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