Instructions: Which face mask to wear correctly?

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Currently, Covid-19 has been causing an extremely dangerous acute pneumonia epidemic. Many people have chosen to protect themselves by wearing medical masks. However, wearing the right face mask for the mask to promote its maximum effect.

1. Structure of a medical mask

Non-woven medical masks usually have 3 layers with 3 different uses. The outer layer has water-repellent properties, effectively preventing liquid droplets) from splashing out when the sick person sneezes, coughs, breathes heavily... This outermost surface is usually light blue in color for easy identification. or a certain color (other than white) for identification.
The inner layer is always white to distinguish it from the outer layer. This inward facing fabric is close to the skin of the face, so it must be pure and smooth, not lint-free, and must not cause discomfort. In addition, the innermost layer needs to be waterproof to absorb sweat, creating comfort for the user.
The middle layer has the effect of preventing droplets and filtering dust and bacteria. It can be said that this is the layer that determines the quality of a 3-layer medical mask. The "standard" filter layer must allow air to pass easily, creating ventilation for the user, but must have a tight structure enough to filter extremely small dust particles or bacteria.

Cấu tạo của khẩu trang y tế
Cấu tạo của khẩu trang y tế

Corona virus is about 150-200 nm (nanometers) and Influenza A virus is 80-120 nm, these viruses mainly reside in large saliva droplets. According to a 2013 study: large saliva droplets are usually 75-360 micrometers (1 micrometer = 1000 nanometers) in size, so this droplet can be easily trapped by ordinary medical masks. often with the ability to effectively filter particles larger than 5 micrometers in size.

2. Which face mask to wear?

Instructions for wearing a medical mask: when wearing a mask, you must leave the blue side out (or the darker side) because the blue side is water resistant, large droplets of saliva splashed in will not be absorbed inside , may fall down. The white side with hygroscopic properties must face inwards so that the exhaled breath can penetrate into the mask.
When wearing a mask, it is necessary to cover the nose and mouth. Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands when wearing a mask, this action will inadvertently make your hands infected with corona virus and other disease-causing agents to be passed on to yourself and those around you. Medical masks that are worn once should not be reused. After use, they should be thrown in a trash can with a lid. When removing the mask, do not hold the mask but should hold the ear strap to remove it. Wash your hands with soap and water for about 20 seconds after discarding the mask.

Đeo khẩu trang y tế cần đúng cách
Đeo khẩu trang y tế cần đúng cách

3. Is it good to wear a black mask?

Wearing a medical mask is very necessary to prevent Covid-19. We can wear black, blue, pink medical masks... all of which are free of the quality assurance, have clear origin and need to understand which face mask to wear. right for it to be effective in virus prevention. Similar to the common blue medical mask. For the black mask, we still have the white side facing in, the black side facing out.

Đeo khẩu trang màu đen
Đeo khẩu trang màu đen

Medical masks can protect you from the risk of spreading the covid-19 virus if you use a standard and correct mask.
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