Instructions on how to push and breathe during a normal birth

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The article was professionally consulted by a Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
Labor is a process because labor usually lasts from 6 to 12 hours in pregnant women and this time is doubled in new mothers. Today, with the advancement of science, there is a method of anesthesia "Painless delivery". However, not all pregnant women can use this method. And despite the application of the "Painless delivery" method, if the mother knows how to breathe and push properly, the birth process will no longer be a nightmare and the mother will safely and successfully give birth.

1. Instructions on how to breathe during a normal birth

Before we get to the right way to push and breathe, we need to understand uterine contractions. Uterine contractions are cyclical in nature and usually consist of the following 3 phases:
Contraction: The pregnant woman's abdomen often feels hard and the pain increases Duration: Pain peaks in the prolonged phase. Rest: Abdominal pain will subside and may no longer be felt. This is the interval between uterine contractions and is the time for the pregnant woman to recover strength to prepare for the next pain. Pregnant women need to focus on the cycle of uterine contractions to breathe properly:
When you feel pain, that means contractions begin to appear. Pregnant women should breathe faster, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. When the pain increases, the pregnant woman will breathe faster and shallower, breathing how to create a whistling sound. When the pain subsides, the pregnant woman should breathe slower, deeper, breathe while relaxing, to regain energy to prepare for the next uterine contraction.

Thai phụ nên thở nhanh dần, hít bằng mũi và thở ra bằng miệng khi thấy cơn đau
Thai phụ nên thở nhanh dần, hít bằng mũi và thở ra bằng miệng khi thấy cơn đau

2. Instructions on how to push during a normal birth

Proper pushing not only helps push the fetus out easily, but also helps pregnant women save energy. If the push is not correct, the birth process will be prolonged, causing the mother to lose strength, the baby may suffocate because she cannot come out in time and requires the intervention of other methods. To push effectively, pregnant women should pay attention to the following guidelines:
When giving birth, women will need to lie with their heads at an angle of about 45 degrees, butt slightly raised. The two feet step on the 2 support tables and the two hands grip the 2 sides of the birthing table. When feeling the contractions of the uterus, the mother needs to take a deep breath and then push hard to push the air down to the lower abdomen to help push the baby out. Note that when a pregnant woman feels that she is about to run out of breath but still has pain, she can take another breath and continue pushing until she no longer feels the pain. When pushing, the pregnant woman must try to squeeze her breath into the abdomen and should not make a sound. Squeezing when uterine contractions are taking place is highly effective. The combination of the force of uterine contractions, the mother's push and the push of the medical staff will help the baby to be born naturally. Between 2 uterine contractions, the mother should relax, breathe in and out regularly and rhythmically to get strength to prepare for the next contraction.

Khi sinh sản phụ sẽ cần nằm đầu cao một góc khoảng 45 độ, mông hơi nâng cao lên. Hai chân đạp vào 2 bàn đỡ và hai tay nắm chặt lấy 2 thành của bàn sinh
Khi sinh sản phụ sẽ cần nằm đầu cao một góc khoảng 45 độ, mông hơi nâng cao lên. Hai chân đạp vào 2 bàn đỡ và hai tay nắm chặt lấy 2 thành của bàn sinh

3. Small notes during normal birth

In people who have just given birth for the first time (pregnancy), the process of giving birth usually lasts from 30-40 minutes. In people who have given birth to chickens, this process can be shorter and usually lasts from 20 to 30 minutes. Before giving birth, pregnant women can practice breathing according to the instructions above and should not be too stressed and worried, but breathe regularly and follow the doctor's instructions. If this is the first time a woman gives birth vaginally, the perineum is still quite firm, so the doctor will have to cut the episiotomy to help the baby's outlet wider, easier for the baby to come out and minimize trauma to the head. of the. In addition, the episiotomy also helps to avoid the case of the perineum being torn, leading to cosmetic loss and damage to the anal sphincter.
Prolonged labor pains will become an obsession of mothers, so how to push during childbirth is very important, directly affecting the time of labor. If the pregnant woman is instructed to push properly, the baby will be born quickly, without the mother's effort. After giving birth, the body will recover faster, thereby ensuring the health to take better care of the baby.
To ease the pain of childbirth, Vinmec offers a maternity package with a complete "painless delivery" service during and after birth using non-morphine epidural and anaesthetic techniques. shy nerve. During the birth process, the mother will be guided by the midwives on how to push and breathe properly, the baby will be born in just 10-15 minutes.
Pregnant women will rest in a high-class hospital room, designed according to international hotel standards, 1 mother 1 room with full facilities and modern equipment. Mothers will be consulted by nutritionists on how to feed the baby before being discharged from the hospital. Postpartum follow-up with both mother and baby with leading Obstetricians and Pediatricians. If you are wondering and worried about which birth method to choose, you can go to reputable medical facilities to be examined and consulted by a doctor.
If you have a need to use the maternity package service at Vinmec, please register directly at the website to be served.

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