Instructions for taking care of children with otitis media with purulent discharge

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor, Professor, Dr. Pham Nhat An - Director of Pediatric Center cum Head of Pediatric Inpatient Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.

Purulent otitis media is a common disease in children, often appearing after nasopharyngitis. If not treated in time, it will leave many complications such as: Chronic otitis media, mastoiditis,... To help caregivers of children with otitis media and know the unusual signs, below is the guide Gs.Ts. Bs. Pham Nhat An, Director of Pediatrics Center, Vinmec Times City General Hospital.

1. Symptoms of children with otitis media with purulent discharge

Children may have fever, mild fever, moderate fever or high fever 39-40 degrees Celsius. Ear pain, young children often pull their own ears. Babies may refuse to breastfeed, cry, or vomit. Accompanied by a runny nose.

2. Instructions for taking care of children with otitis media with purulent discharge

Warm up the child when he has a fever, combine with antipyretic, pain reliever if the child has a fever > 38.5 degrees Celsius or has a lot of pain according to the instructions of the medical staff. Wear light, airy clothing. In a cool, ventilated room, do not close the door. Clean children's ears: Do not wipe too deeply, do not use cotton earplugs. Should let the fluid escape naturally.

Không nên lau quá sâu, không dùng bông nút kín tai. Nên để dịch thoát ra ngoài tự nhiên.
Không nên lau quá sâu, không dùng bông nút kín tai. Nên để dịch thoát ra ngoài tự nhiên.
Avoid getting water in your ears. Wash your child's nose 2-3 times a day with warm physiological saline. Combination of medication prescribed by the doctor. Nutritional regime: Give children more juices and fruits, for children under 6 months of age who are exclusively breastfed, increase the number of times. Let children eat enough nutrients according to 4 food groups in 1 meal (protein, starch, lipid, vitamins). Clean nose and throat. Avoid cold, dust, smoke, ice,...

3. If there are abnormal signs, take the child to the doctor immediately

Trẻ có biểu hiện sốt cao hạ sốt không đỡ, quấy khóc nhiều, bỏ ăn, bỏ bú,... cần đưa trẻ đến khám lại với bác sĩ ngay.
Trẻ có biểu hiện sốt cao hạ sốt không đỡ, quấy khóc nhiều, bỏ ăn, bỏ bú,... cần đưa trẻ đến khám lại với bác sĩ ngay.
Children's ear pain increases. High fever does not help with fever, crying a lot, refusing to eat, stop breastfeeding. Or any other unusual symptoms.

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