Instructions for preparing for oocyte retrieval and embryo transfer

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The article was written by MSc Nguyen Ngoc Chien - Clinician, Reproductive Support Center, Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
In vitro fertilization is a method in which the wife's eggs are fertilized with the husband's sperm in a test tube (outside the body). When the embryo forms and develops, it is transferred back to the woman's uterus to implant and develop into a fetus. Both husband and wife need to have a physical exam and fertility assessment, especially, need to follow the rules that the doctor has ordered to prepare for the process of oocyte retrieval and embryo transfer to go smoothly.

1. Note to the wife

1.1 Before oocyte retrieval On the day of egg collection, the patient needs to fast, drink at least 6 hours before oocyte retrieval, do not wear makeup, do not use perfume, cosmetics... Do not paint nails, toenails (removing substances) nail polish, toenails if previously painted). Do not bring jewelry such as: Watches, necklaces, rings, earrings... After collecting the eggs, the wife rests in bed for about 2 to 3 hours, only going out with the doctor's consent. Any unusual symptoms after egg retrieval should be reported immediately to the medical staff on duty at the IVF room. Follow the prescription prescribed after egg retrieval. 1.2 Before embryo transfer Back to IVF room after 3-5 days (According to doctor's appointment) to be informed about embryo transfer, embryo freezing... Embryo transfer date: Need to fast before embryo transfer, eat Drink normally, bring 2 pre-ordered pills to the hospital (don't order medicine at home), bring extra money to pay incidental fees if any. If there are any unusual problems such as: Abdominal pain, bleeding, abdominal distension, blurred vision, difficulty breathing, little urination ... you need to go to the hospital for examination immediately.
When you need more information, contact phone number: (024)39754116 – (024)39754114 (during business hours) for specific instructions.

Ngày lấy trứng bệnh nhân cần nhịn ăn, uống trước khi chọc hút noãn ít nhất 6h
Ngày lấy trứng bệnh nhân cần nhịn ăn, uống trước khi chọc hút noãn ít nhất 6h

2. Note to the husband

The patient's husband comes to collect sperm, abstains from intercourse for 3-5 days before sperm collection (Only sperm bottles of the Center can be used) to ensure treatment results. Clean urine before collecting sperm. Wash hands and penis thoroughly with clean water and dry with clean paper. Do not use soap to wash hands and penis. Carefully uncap the vial and place the cap face down on the table. Do not touch the inside of the vial and the lid. Collect sperm in a vial by masturbation. Do not use slime or condoms to collect sperm. If dropped, do not put it back in the bottle and notify Center staff. Wash hands quickly, dry and close the lid. Take the sperm sample to the location according to the staff's instructions

Rửa tay và dương vật kỹ với nước sạch và lau khô với giấy sạch
Rửa tay và dương vật kỹ với nước sạch và lau khô với giấy sạch
On the day of embryo transfer, both husband and wife need to bring this instruction sheet to book their next appointment.
Embryo transfer is the final step of the IVF cycle. All cases of in vitro fertilization with embryo transfer will be carried out on day 2, day 3 or day 5 after oocyte retrieval (depending on the individual patient as indicated by the doctor).
Established in November 2014, up to now, Vinmec IVF fertility center has performed fertility support for over 1000 infertile couples with a success rate of 45%-50%. This rate is equivalent to developed countries such as the UK, USA, Australia,...
The center gathers a team of leading experts in the field of obstetrics and gynecology nationally and internationally, trained in centers leading in the world such as in the US, Singapore, Japan, Australia and famous fertility centers in the world.
With a high level of expertise and extensive experience, Vinmec IVF Center's experts are capable of synchronously and comprehensively deploying the most advanced assisted reproductive techniques today, helping realize the dream of becoming a parent of hundreds of families across Vietnam.
You can directly go to Vinmec IVF Reproductive Center for expert advice or contact 024 3974 3556 for support.
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