Instructions for exfoliating the body (body)

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Most people only exfoliate their face and forget about the rest of the body. This is the reason why dead skin cells on the body are not removed, leading to arms, elbows, or legs, ... looking dull, uneven and older than their age. Therefore, exfoliation for the body is very important and is one of the steps that cannot be ignored.

1. Benefits of body scrubs

Skin constantly regenerates removing dead cells to make room for new cells to grow. However, most people only exfoliate their face and forget about the rest of the body. This is the reason why dead skin cells on the body are not removed completely and lead to the arms, elbows or other parts of the body looking dull, uneven and older than their age.
Exfoliating the body will help the skin become softer, smoother and younger. Besides, it can also help remove ingrown hairs and remove impurities. In addition, it can also stimulate collagen production to keep the skin firm and radiant.
Another benefit of full body exfoliation is that it can improve the effectiveness of topical treatments. For example, if you exfoliate before applying a cream, the cream will penetrate deeper instead of remaining on the surface. In addition, during a body scrub, a skin massage is also a great way to relax when you are tired or stressed, helping to improve circulation.
SEE ALSO: How to safely exfoliate according to each skin type

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Tẩy tế da chết cho cơ thể giúp cho làn da trở nên mềm mại hơn

2. How to exfoliate the body

Body scrubs are made simply at home. However, you should not use a body scrub every day. Because over-exfoliating can make your skin dry, sensitive, and irritated. In general, it is safe to exfoliate the body 2-3 times a week. If your skin is dry and sensitive, you should probably only exfoliate once a week.
Usually, it's easiest to do a full body scrub in the shower or bath. Gently massage the body scrub mixture, then in circular motions, gently massage and finally rinse thoroughly with warm water. Before that, you should choose body scrubs that are suitable for your skin, or you can make your own exfoliation products

3. Homemade body scrub recipe

3.1 Coffee body scrub

Coffee is one of the popular ingredients, and is used in many body scrubs. The tiny particles that are gentle on the skin will have a frictional effect to remove dirt and dead cells on the surface. Moreover, coffee has a very pleasant aroma suitable for relaxing in the shower. Ingredients to prepare include:
1⁄2 cups of coffee grounds 2 tablespoons of hot water 1 tablespoon of warming coconut oil How to make body cafe body scrub as follows:
Put coffee grounds and hot water in a mixing bowl Mix well, using a spatula to mix well. Add more coconut oil, or add more coffee grounds or more oil if needed to get the consistency you want. When satisfied with the consistency, scoop the mixture into the container and use.

3.2 Brown sugar body scrub

Brown sugar is an easy-to-find and cheap ingredient, they have a very good exfoliation effect and are highly effective. Brown sugar is gentler on the skin than sea salt or epsom salt, making it one of the ideal ingredients for sensitive skin. Sugar granules can make skin feel sticky, so after exfoliating wash your body thoroughly.
Ingredients to be prepared include:
1⁄2 cups brown sugar 1⁄2 cups oil can be coconut, olive, jojoba, almond or grapeseed Oil of your choice How to make brown sugar body scrub as follows:
Combine brown sugar and oil in a bowl. Mix the above mixture thoroughly. You can add more oil or sugar to get the desired consistency. If you want the mixture to smell nice, add a drop or two of your favorite essential oil and stir well into the mixture. When you are satisfied with the consistency and aroma of the scrub, put the product in the container and use it.

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Đường nâu được áp dụng để tẩy tế bào chết body

3.3 Sea salt body scrub

Salt has antibacterial properties and is very helpful with a number of skin conditions. Besides, salt is also an easy to find and easy to maintain substance, however, using sea salt can be too harsh on the skin. For sensitive skin, exfoliating with sea salt can be abrasive. So, be careful when using, especially for cases with skin lesions. Salt has no added flavor, so you can add your favorite essential oils during the cooking process.
Ingredients to prepare include:
1⁄2 cups sea salt 1⁄2 cups optional essential oil How to make sea salt body scrub is as follows:
Put sea salt and oil in a mixing bowl. Mix the above mixture thoroughly. Add more oil or salt to get the desired consistency. You can add a drop or two of your favorite essential oil and stir into the mixture. When you are satisfied with the consistency and aroma of the scrub, put the product in the container and use it.

3.4 Green tea body scrub

Green tea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, beneficial for acne-prone skin. In addition, according to a 2013 study, cosmetics containing green tea can reduce skin damage under the sun. Ingredients to prepare include:
2 green tea bags 1⁄2 cups hot water 1 cup brown sugar 1⁄4 cups melted coconut oil How to make green tea body scrubs as follows:
Put green tea bags in water hot and let cool. Put the brown sugar in the bowl while the tea cools Once the tea has cooled add the sugar mixture, accordingly, it is important for the sugar not to melt that the tea cools. If the mixture is too thick add more coconut oil, if it is too thin then add brown sugar. When you have reached the desired consistency, put the exfoliating mixture into the box and use.

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Hướng dẫn tẩy tế bào chết bằng trà xanh

4. Some notes when exfoliating the whole body

When exfoliating the whole body should only be used for the body and not for the face. Because the skin on the face is very sensitive, if used together can cause facial irritation, acne and redness. Besides, you should avoid exfoliation in the following cases:
Sunburn Cracked or broken Red or swollen Recovery from chemical peels After a full body exfoliation, it is recommended to use more essential oils or body moisturizer to rebalance the skin's moisture, avoiding dry and chapped skin.
In short, whole body exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells and cleaning dirt on the surface of the skin, making the skin whiter, stimulating collagen production to keep the skin firm and radiant. Exfoliation for the body is done simply at home, but you should choose a body scrub suitable for your skin to avoid irritation and itching. If you are still wondering what type of skin you have, you can go to a dermatology specialist to get a doctor's evaluation and advice on the right method.

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