Instructions for defrosting breast milk properly

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During pregnancy, the mother's breasts will enter the stage of getting ready to produce milk. Approximately from the second trimester of pregnancy, colostrum is produced by the mother's body, until about 2-4 days after the baby is born. Colostrum is characterized by yellow color, sticky consistency, rich in nutrients and antibodies. After about 5-14 days after the baby is born, the mother's body produces transitional milk. From day 14 onwards, the amount of milk secreted by the mother's body will continue to increase, turn white and thinner, called mature milk. Breast milk is the best food for the health and development of infants and young children. Breast milk contains all necessary nutrients such as protein, sugar, fat, energy, vitamins and mineral salts in the appropriate ratio. suitable for the absorption and development of the child's body.
To ensure that their children grow up safely with breast milk, many mothers have taken the solution of storing frozen milk by expressing and storing them in the refrigerator. According to recommendations, to ensure the safety of the baby's health when eating the mother's frozen milk, after expressing the milk, the mother should store it in the refrigerator or in the freezer, even though there is a chance that the antibodies will be reduced. go, but still ensure the nutritional value intact. Frozen milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 72 hours, in the freezer for 1 month, and in the freezer for 3 months. After reheating to eat only once, the leftover frozen milk must be discarded and cannot be reused.
Mothers not only need to properly store frozen milk, but also need to know how to defrost frozen milk or warm up frozen milk to help keep nutrients for their babies.
When frozen milk needs to be used, mothers should apply the natural method of defrosting frozen milk, that is, the milk is put under the refrigerator the night before and slowly defrosted. After thawing frozen milk completely, reheat hot milk by pouring the correct amount into the feeding bottle, submerging the bottle in warm water until the milk inside is evenly heated. Mothers need to accurately check the temperature of the milk in the bottle before feeding, it is best for the baby to eat the milk as soon as it is warmed.
As for how to defrost frozen milk in the freezer compartment, 1 day before use, mothers should put frozen milk from the freezer compartment to the cooler to defrost but keep the refrigerator temperature. Or you can thaw frozen milk in a basin of water, but it must be ice cold. When the milk has completely softened to a liquid form, the mother needs to gently shake it to mix the high-fat whey and clear milky parts. Then change the water to soak the milk into warm water to warm it to the right temperature for your baby to eat.
For frozen milk in the refrigerator, the mother takes the milk out of the refrigerator and soaks it in warm water of 40 degrees until it reaches the right temperature for her baby to eat. However, frozen milk should not be soaked in water that is too hot because it will lose vitamins and minerals in breast milk. Breast milk, once removed from the refrigerator, cannot be frozen for further use. Therefore, mothers should only take the right amount of milk for each feeding.
Frozen milk is a way to help children enjoy breast milk longer, however, to ensure safety and keep nutrients of milk, mothers need to pay attention to the stage of milk storage and how to thaw frozen milk as well. like how to properly reheat frozen milk.

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