Infected with roundworms during pregnancy, what to do?

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Being infected with toxocariasis during pregnancy makes many pregnant women worried and afraid of affecting the fetus. Therefore, the signs of canine roundworm infection and the effects of toxocariasis is a matter of concern, especially for families with pets in the house.

1. What is roundworm in dogs?

Canine roundworm is a disease that spreads from animals, especially dogs to humans. This is a parasite called Toxocara canis that usually lives inside the intestines of dogs.
The first case of toxocariasis was described by Wilder in 1950 when roundworm larvae were discovered in retinal granulomas. Later, toxocariasis was considered a rare disease, but thanks to the development of serological diagnostic techniques, it was found that the prevalence of toxocariasis in the West was quite high.

2. Causes of dog roundworm infection

In fact, roundworms can be transmitted to humans through the following ways:
After the worm lays eggs and will go out with the feces, if you are not careful, you will swallow the eggs contained in the food Unsanitary clean birth after contacting dogs or eating raw vegetables, raw vegetables that are not washed well, there is also a risk of swallowing worm eggs Eating undercooked dog meat containing larvae or eggs of roundworms Family members with roundworms Dogs need to be tested to see if they are infected because they share a food source containing worm eggs. Direct contact with sick dogs without washing hands

Quá trình giun đũa chó lây sang người
Quá trình giun đũa chó lây sang người

3. Signs of dog roundworm infection?

Canine roundworm disease has no special clinical symptoms, the following are some common symptoms in infected patients:
The patient has signs of fatigue, abdominal pain, indigestion, loss of appetite,. .. People are hot, feverish People are tired, lethargic, have symptoms of encephalitis. The eye area is inflamed, zigzag lines appear on the eyelids On the skin, itchy spots are uncomfortable for the patient.

Người nhiễm giun đũa chó trên da nổi các vết ngứa
Người nhiễm giun đũa chó trên da nổi các vết ngứa

4. Is it dangerous to get toxocariasis during pregnancy?

Is it okay to be infected with toxocariasis is a common question for many people and especially pregnant women who are diagnosed with this parasite. Canine roundworm is a non-contagious disease from person to person, so pregnant women can rest assured that the disease will not be transmitted to the fetus.
Currently, there is no record that pregnant women infected with toxocariasis during pregnancy will cause birth defects. However, pregnant women should note that infection with roundworms during this period will increase the possibility of miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, if infected with toxocariasis during pregnancy, the mother should consult a doctor, regularly visit for treatment and monitor the health situation.

5. How to treat patients with toxocariasis

To treat toxocariasis, doctors usually prescribe patients to use some drugs as follows:
Thiabendazole 25mg/kg body weight, used twice a day for 21 days. Diethylcarbamazine 3mg/kg body weight, 3 times/day for 21 days. Albendazole has also recently been shown to be effective in toxocariasis, at high doses of 800 mg/day for 2-3 weeks. Anti-allergic drugs: Telfast, cetirizine, loratadine,... In some cases, it may be necessary to use a combination of antiparasitic drugs with corticosteroids or surgery (In case of toxocariasis in the eyes). However, women infected with toxocariasis during pregnancy should not use the drug to avoid affecting the fetus. You should not be too worried, you should go for regular antenatal care to monitor the situation and use topical medications to avoid affecting the baby.

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Sản phụ không được sử dụng thuốc điều trị giun đũa chó để tránh các ảnh hưởng đến thai nhi

6. How to prevent toxocariasis during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a sensitive time, pregnant women need to protect themselves carefully to avoid affecting the fetus. Here are some ways to prevent canine roundworm infection:
Maintain good personal hygiene, wash hands before eating and after using the toilet Practice eating cooked food and drinking boiling water, limiting eating raw food, especially on Pregnancy Deworming and bathing the dog regularly Regularly clean the house. Avoid keeping dogs during pregnancy or if you have, limit contact during this time. With the desire to provide mothers with comprehensive and safe care for mother and fetus during the period before - during - after birth, Vinmec International General Hospital deploys all-inclusive maternity services. with the integration of all necessary examinations and tests during pregnancy. The Vinmec Maternity Package is developed on the basis of modern equipment, a team of experienced professionals, pregnant women can choose for themselves the appropriate maternity package:
12-week maternity package 27-week maternity package package 36-week maternity package package Maternity package labor package For detailed advice on maternity packages at Vinmec, please contact HERE

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