How to treat ventricular extrasystoles?

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Hello doctor!
About 1 month ago, I often felt nervous like palpitations, sometimes I had to take a deep breath to ease my breath. I went for an echocardiogram and the results were normal, but the electrocardiogram showed excess ventricular extrasystoles. How to treat extrasystolic ventricular extrasystoles?
Do Thu Ha (1975)
With the problem of treating excess ventricular extrasystoles, the doctor would like to advise as follows:
You should be examined by a cardiologist, wearing a 24-hour electrocardiogram to see if the frequency of extrasystoles is thick or sparse, Is there a long sequence of extrasystoles or dangerous arrhythmias? From the results obtained, the cardiologist will prescribe the appropriate medication or cardiology intervention for the patient.
In addition, you should also rest properly as well as have a suitable diet:
Limit salty, fatty, starchy foods, red meat, and alcohol (if any). Eat small meals Increase eating vegetables, fish, lean white meat (pork, chicken, frog,...) Regular exercise, every day should be at least 30 minutes Being active, optimistic also helps extrasystolic improve. Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System, looking forward to meeting you directly for more specific advice. Best regards!
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Consulted by Dr. Phan Dinh Thuy Tien - General Internal Medicine - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
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