How to treat sinusitis, blowing nose with blood?

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Hello doctor. I have had sinusitis for more than ten years and in the last few days, the weather has changed, I sneeze a lot. This morning, when I blew my nose, there was a lot of blood in it, including clots. Can you give me some advice on how to treat a sinus infection with blood in the nose? I thank you.
Le Duc (1993)
Hello. Sinusitis or symptoms of nasal congestion, prolonged blowing of the nose. Nasal discharge is usually mucus or yellow-green pus. When you see a lot of blood blowing out your nose, it is likely that there is an accompanying nosebleed (it may be just a pulse point bleeding due to a lot of congestion in the nose, damage to the nasal septum, but it may also be due to a tumor). in the nose or in the sinuses) you should have a detailed examination by endoscopy, combined with a CT scan of the sinuses.
You can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System to be examined by qualified doctors. I look forward to meeting you and talking more. Thank you for trusting and sharing your questions through the question "How should I treat a sinus infection with blood in my nose?" to Vinmec.
Answered by Specialist Doctor Ear - Nose - Throat Doctor, Department of Ear - Nose - Throat - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital

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