Dear Doctor, I've had sinusitis for over a decade, and with the recent weather changes, I've been sneezing a lot. This morning when I blew my nose, there was a lot of blood, including blood clots. Could you please advise me on how to treat sinusitis with a bloody nose? Thank you.
-Le Duc (1993)-
Doctor's response:
Dear Le Duc, sinusitis often causes nasal congestion and runny nose. The nasal discharge is usually mucus or yellow-green pus. The presence of a significant amount of blood, when you blow your nose, could indicate a nosebleed (which could be bleeding from a blood vessel due to nasal congestion or damage to the nasal septum, but it could also result from a nasal or sinus tumor). Therefore, a detailed examination with an endoscope and a CT scan of the sinuses is recommended.
You can visit a Vinmec International Healthcare System to be examined by our specialized doctors. We look forward to meeting you and discussing your case further. Thank you for trusting and sharing your question, " I have sinusitis and there's blood when I blow my nose. How should I treat it?", with Vinmec.
ENT Doctors, ENT Department - Vinmec Hạ Long International General Hospital