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Articles in sinusitis

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Diagnosis and treatment of nasal polyps
Polyp mũi xoang gây ra triệu chứng ngạt mũi, tắc mũi, thậm chí không thở được bằng mũi, mất khả năng ngửi, nói giọng mũi kín. Việc chẩn đoán và điều trị polyp mũi từ sớm có thể hạn chế những triệu chứng nguy hiểm.
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Methods to cure crooked nasal septum
Bệnh vẹo vách ngăn mũi thường do bẩm sinh hoặc va chạm mạnh, khiến vách ngăn mũi bị lệch, không chỉ ảnh hưởng đến thẩm mỹ mà đôi khi còn gây ra nhiều biến chứng nguy hiểm. Cách điều trị bệnh vẹo vách ngăn mũi là dùng thuốc và phẫu thuật chỉnh tạo vách ngăn.
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Is it possible to cure chronic sinusitis, edema of the nasal stub?
Hello, sinus disease is often accompanied by some deformities of the septum and nasal septum. In some cases, treatment needs to be combined: Medical treatment using drugs in combination with rhinoplasty surgery, septum or surgical intervention for nasal sinus function.
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Is there a cure for frontal sinusitis?
Forehead pain is a sign of frontal sinusitis. But it can also be due to other reasons combined. Successful treatment requires a detailed examination. You should see an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor to get the right treatment.
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People with sinusitis, burning pain on both sides of the throat should be treated like?
Doctor, let me ask. I am living in a foreign country, I have symptoms of pain on both sides of the throat that can be touched like 2 normal lumps of meat, a little burning feeling when rubbing the tip of the tongue around the throat, it feels painful.
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Pain accompanied by twitching of the right eyelid due to sinusitis or what?
Doctor, recently I went to the doctor for allergic sinusitis, I took medicine and it helped but this time I have pain with right eyelid twitching. Please ask the doctor if the pain accompanied by twitching of the right eyelid is due to sinusitis or what? Thank you doctor for your advice.
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How to treat sinusitis, blowing nose with blood?
Hello doctor. I have had sinusitis for more than ten years and in the last few days, the weather has changed, I sneeze a lot. This morning, when I blew my nose, there was a lot of blood in it, including clots. Can you give me some advice on how to treat a sinus infection with blood in the nose? I thank you.
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If you have a chronic sore throat and sinusitis, what should you do if you take medicine that doesn't help?
Hello doctor, I have tinnitus on both sides (with ticking sound in my ears). I went for otolaryngoscopy and it was concluded that chronic pharyngitis - sinusitis, while the ear is normal, there is no fluid, no inflammation. But taking medicine doesn't help.
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Does polysinusitis using 3% saline nasal wash continuously affect the mucosa?
Hello doctor! I am 45 years old this year. I've been suffering from sinusitis for 5 years now. I was treated at the hospital but the progress of the disease was not positive. Sinusitis kept coming back and I had to take antibiotics continuously.
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Seborrheic otitis media in adults: Causes, symptoms and treatment
Diseases of the ENT region are very diverse. Among them, adult serous otitis media is a very common disease but often does not have many typical symptoms, the disease is easy to miss leading to not being treated promptly.
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What is Proetz Sinus Wash?
Proetz sinus lavage is a fairly common method of sinus lavage. The Proetz procedure helps to remove pus from the sinuses with negative pressure, causing no pain or bleeding during the procedure, suitable for mild cases of sinus disease.
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