How to treat sinus node failure?

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Hello doctor!
I went to have a heart test and wear a Holter heart rate monitor and it was concluded that there was sinus node failure, the average rate was 49 beats/min, the fastest heart rate was 83 and the slowest was 31 beats/min. Heart rate <60 beats/min accounted for 96% of the time wearing the device, atrial extrasystoles accounted for 37%, there were many atrial tachycardias. Multiple sinus pauses lasting more than 2 seconds, the longest being 2.53 seconds.
The doctor asked me if there is an effective treatment for this disease? I'm young, so I don't want a pacemaker. I have never fainted, my current health is about 7/10. What are the risks if I have to have a pacemaker? Which pacemaker is the best? I hope you can give me some advice, thanks.
Anonymous question
There are many possible causes of sinus node failure syndrome.
Intrinsic causes: ischemic heart disease, collagen disease, infiltrative disease, infection,... Extrinsic causes: autonomic syndrome, drug, hypothyroidism, disorder neurological disorders,... How to evaluate bradycardia includes:
Take history and examine. Electrocardiogram and Holter electrocardiogram. Endocrine and electrolyte tests. Electrophysiological investigation. Treatment depends on the cause of the bradycardia. You should consult a Cardiologist and Rhythmologist for detailed advice on appropriate treatment.
You can visit Vinmec Health System facilities nationwide to get advice and guidance from experienced doctors.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Answered by Master, Doctor Pham Van Hung - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
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