How to thoroughly treat to avoid being bitten by bed bugs

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Huynh Kim Long - Emergency Resuscitation Doctor - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital. Dr. Huynh Kim Long has extensive experience in the treatment of Resuscitation - Emergency and Acute Stroke in adults.
Bed bugs are small blood-sucking insects that cause a lot of trouble to humans. Being bitten by bedbugs causes a lot of itching, making it difficult to distinguish bed bug bites from the stings of other insects. The important thing to do to avoid bed bug bites is to get rid of bed bugs at the root using different methods.

1. What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are tiny insects, averaging only about 5mm, about the size of an apple seed. They have the ability to hide in small nooks and crannies, move quickly through many places, so they can often live for months without being detected. Good fertility allows them to proliferate at a rapid rate. Human and animal blood is the main food of bed bugs. The body of bedbugs turns from brown to red when filled with blood.
Humid environments are favorable living conditions for bed bugs, they can reach maximum growth on average in about a month. Bed bugs are easily found in almost any area around your home, offices, hotels or clothing stores. They can cling to the clothes of shoppers and follow them home in silence. Even personal items like handbags and backpacks can harbor bed bugs, which are spread through travel, from person to person or from room to room.

2. Signs suggesting a bed bug bite

Vết rệp giường đốt thường có triệu chứng ngứa nổi bật
Vết rệp giường đốt thường có triệu chứng ngứa nổi bật
Bed bug bites often have prominent itching symptoms. However, being bitten by mosquitoes or other insects can also cause itching. Bedbug eggs or blood stains can be found on the bed or other areas of the room around the bed. Determining the exact bite of a bed bug is not easy as it is rarely possible to see the bed bug bite directly. Some signs that could be evidence of bed bug presence are dark spots or red streaks on fabrics, mattresses, or sofas, clothes

3. Proper handling of bed bug bites

Bed bug bites can be treated at home if there are only local symptoms by following these steps:
Need to wash the wound with clean water or soapy water to clean and prevent local infection. When the symptoms of itching are severe and persistent, a cream containing low levels of corticosteroids can be used to apply at bed bug bites. Absolutely do not scratch or rub vigorously, avoid spreading damage. See a doctor if you have been bitten by bed bugs in many places, the bed bug bites are very painful, have blisters, or experience an allergic reaction such as a red, widespread, painful rash, an itchy red rash all over the body. , ...

4. Measures to kill bed bugs at the root

Killing bed bugs is not an easy thing to succeed in a short time because of their small size and ability to hide. If we don't get rid of bed bugs properly, we can also indirectly increase their number and range of activities. Some measures to help kill bed bugs at the root that you should apply such as:
Regularly wash, clean mattresses, mats, blankets, pillowcases periodically to kill bed bugs. Note that areas or objects placed around the mattress such as clothes and curtains also need to be cleaned. Drying after washing with a dryer or drying in direct sunlight is an indispensable step after washing because a humid environment is a favorable condition for bedbugs to multiply. Vacuum up bedding, pillows, blankets and other surroundings weekly to prevent bedbug growth. Always remember to clean the crevices or small nooks, the area under the bed, even the electrical outlet. Using a vacuum cleaner is more effective, but it is necessary to clean the vacuum cleaner after use.

Hút sạch bụi trên giường, gối, chăn nệm và các môi trường xung quanh hằng tuần để ngăn cản sự sinh sôi của rệp
Hút sạch bụi trên giường, gối, chăn nệm và các môi trường xung quanh hằng tuần để ngăn cản sự sinh sôi của rệp
If bed bugs are suspected or detected, a high-temperature steam iron can be used to kill bed bugs completely. Bed bugs and their larvae are usually killed at a temperature of about 60 degrees Celsius. The advantage of the table is that the steam is able to creep into the crevices, or small areas. Use baking soda to get rid of bed bugs at the root. Baking soda or salt medicine is a white, alkaline, salty powder with high hygroscopicity. They kill bedbugs thanks to the mechanism of sucking water from the bedbug's body, causing the bedbugs to die slowly. Use baking soda to spread it evenly around the bed, wall, window or any area where bed bugs are suspected. Then, use a broom or vacuum cleaner to clean up this baking soda weekly. This process should be repeated several times. Use essential oils to kill bed bugs. Certain essential oils with antibacterial and insect repellent properties such as tea tree oil, lavender essential oil, and menthol can help repel and prevent bed bug bites. Mixing pure essential oils with cold water and then using a spray bottle all over the room is the simplest way to use. The advantage of this method is that it has the ability to help users relax in addition to killing bed bugs.

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