How to support digestion for a healthy gut

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Digestive system is one of the most important parts to help provide nutrition to the body from birth to adulthood, even the digestive system is likened to the second brain of the body. Therefore, supporting the intestinal tract to help the digestive system work smoothly and efficiently will significantly improve the quality of human life. Here are some ways to help with intestinal digestion.

1. Replenish clean water for the body

Clean water helps the body absorb nutrients and convert food into energy. At the same time, water also helps the stomach contract food more gently, minimizing the risk of constipation, eliminating toxins in the body every day. Therefore, it is necessary to drink enough water for your digestive system and your health to be better.
Water demand of each subject depends on geographical location and nature of labor. To drink water properly need:
Drink water 30 minutes before each meal to avoid dilution of gastric juice and can eat less, helping to maintain a healthy weight. Encourage drinking water every morning after waking up is good for the digestive system and heart Can use mineral water, clean boiled water, fruit juice every day to improve health and ensure the health of the system. healthy digestion.

2. Supplement enough nutrients for the body

Essential substances for a healthy digestive system include:
The intestinal flora is very rich, with both good and bad bacteria. The addition of probiotics for the digestive tract helps to balance the microflora in the intestinal tract, improving some medical problems such as diarrhea symptoms caused by antibiotic use, obesity. In addition, probiotics are also found in fermented yogurt products, yogurt. Having the habit of using 1 box of yogurt after each meal helps to keep the digestive system healthy. Zinc element:
Zinc is an essential trace element for health, especially the digestive system. Nutritionists believe that zinc has a close relationship with diarrhea. Therefore, zinc can assist in the symptomatic treatment of diarrhea, colitis and other digestive problems. When the body lacks zinc, it can cause digestive disorders. The recommended daily intake of zinc is 8-11 mg. Use foods rich in zinc such as oysters, nuts, eggs, ... to provide adequate zinc. This is one of the effective ways to keep the digestive system healthy. Fiber:
Fiber cannot be digested but helps soften stools and makes stools larger in size. Since then, the habit of going out becomes regular, minimizing the long-term constipation that affects health. Adding fiber often also creates a feeling of fullness for a long time, maintains weight, is good for health and is also a way to help the digestive system stay healthy. Maintaining a daily diet with at least 400g of vegetables and fruits, adding whole grains for adults also helps to provide fiber, preventing gastrointestinal diseases (hemorrhoids, inflammation, etc.) appendix). Provide enough vitamins and minerals:
Vitamins and minerals act as catalysts to help convert food into energy. At the same time, they have the ability of villi cells, the lining of the digestive tract to be attacked by infectious agents thanks to their ability to resist oxidation and repair damaged structures. Should provide enough vitamins and minerals according to each age, each stage of development. Diverse foods such as vegetables, fruits, eggs, fish, and milk to provide the most vitamins and minerals in the body. Choose a good source of protein for a healthy digestive system:
Protein plays a role in creating enzymes to participate in biochemical processes both inside and outside cells. In addition, the digestive tract also needs enzymes for the process to take place more smoothly, such as lactase, which breaks down lactose, and sucrose to hydrolyze sugar in starch. Protein is used from the main sources of animals and plants, most Vietnamese people have the habit of using red meat to supplement protein. However, long-term consumption of red meat may increase the risk of gastrointestinal cancer. Therefore, everyone's recommendation is to limit the use of red meat or instead encourage the use of white meat and seafood, cheese, eggs, and milk in the daily diet. Provide healthy fats:
Fat is a source of energy for the body to function. If you arbitrarily use unhealthy sources of fat, it can stagnate the digestive system, cause bloating, and worse, accumulate cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels, causing hardening of the vessel walls and stroke. Choose foods rich in good fats for the digestive system such as fish, avocado, olives, ...

3. Eat in a focused, right way

Do not watch TV or phone while eating, the habit of being distracted when eating can harm the digestive system. When eating should also chew thoroughly until the food is pureed and should eat small pieces will be good for the digestive system. Therefore, you should arrange time, prepare enough time for meals so that you do not have to rush.
There are 3 main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do not skip any meal in 3 meals if you want to keep the digestive system and body healthy. Should arrange time and space for breakfast after 7am, do not eat dinner before bedtime at least 2 hours.

4. Exercise helps with intestinal digestion

Performing exercises or playing sports daily helps the digestive system, making the colon work more efficiently. Crunches are one of the best exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles, and simple walking can also keep your digestive system healthy by improving blood flow to the intestines and colon.
Research shows that healthy people doing moderate exercise such as cycling, jogging can speed up digestion by nearly 30%. Research also shows that walking for about 30 minutes a day significantly improves symptoms of constipation.
Above are ways to support digestion to help keep the gut healthy. Supporting the intestinal tract to help the digestive system work smoothly and efficiently will significantly improve people's quality of life.

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