How to stimulate eating for babies?

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Children anorexia is a very common phenomenon in young children, usually under 6 years old. This is a condition that can affect a child's physical development, so parents need to be aware of this condition and find ways to stimulate anorexia children as well as understand what their child's favorite food is. for a balanced nutritional supplement.

1. What do children like to eat? Find out your child's favorite food

To help children not have anorexia, parents should not force or use words to force children to eat when they do not want, instead should find out the cause and fix the problem from the root. In the daily meal, there should be at least one food that the child likes to stimulate appetite, possibly because the child chooses the food he likes. Parents should also let children know the role of food is to provide nutrients for the body so that children can choose foods they like and are good for health. Other snacks such as candy, chips, etc. children can still eat on a few special occasions, so parents should not be too harsh on this issue.
Some children's favorite dishes parents can make to change their children's taste such as:
Fish soup cooked with pickles. Stewed radish with beef Roasted, boiled sweet potato. Stir-fried sweet corn with meat. Fried eggs with vegetables Beetroot porridge cooked with pork. Fried beans mixed with meat. Berries pickled yoghurt. Learning the foods children love is also a way for parents to stimulate anorexia children so that they are more excited about each meal.

Cha mẹ có thể lựa chọn món ăn trẻ yêu thích giúp con ăn ngon hơn
Cha mẹ có thể lựa chọn món ăn trẻ yêu thích giúp con ăn ngon hơn

2. How to stimulate baby eating?

Children anorexia is not a rare condition today in families with young children, causing many parents to worry and worry about this issue. To overcome this situation, it is necessary to find out the cause to have the most appropriate method to stimulate anorexia children.
To solve the child's anorexia, parents can take the following measures:
Always give your child breakfast and do not skip this important meal because it is a necessary source of nutrition for a day, help children not be tired and perform many activities during the day. Breakfast should ensure adequate supply of nutrients for children, thereby gradually helping children reduce anorexia. Give the child water to drink about 30 minutes before eating, do not give water too close to mealtime because it will make the child feel full and not want to eat. If giving snacks to children, it is necessary to choose healthy snacks for children, such as nutritious cereals and nuts. Children should not drink too much milk because milk will make them full, not wanting to eat other foods anymore. Choosing and preparing foods that children love is the best way to stimulate their appetite. After the child's appetite is better than before, at this time, other dishes can be added to help children have a variety of tastes. Give your child yogurt to stimulate appetite and healthy digestive system. Do not give your child foods with strong flavors such as spices or foods with strong odors. Some natural spices help children to eat more, which are cinnamon, coriander, dill... Increase physical activity for children to help them expend more energy, thereby increasing their feelings hunger after exercise. Supplement zinc for children through foods such as cashews, pumpkins, seafood... Supplementing with probiotics to prevent digestive disorders of children, balance intestinal microflora in it have beneficial bacteria to help children improve their anorexia.

Kích thích trẻ biếng ăn với một số loại men vi sinh
Kích thích trẻ biếng ăn với một số loại men vi sinh

If the child is anorexic for a long time and applying the above measures is not effective, parents can take the child to the nutrition department so that the treating doctor can diagnose and determine the cause of the anorexia. eat, from which to prescribe appropriate medication. In particular, children with anorexia associated with diarrhea, infections, children with poor immune systems, children with growth retardation, malnutrition, and low birth weight need to take supplements and supplements. However, do not overuse anorexia medication or depend on it without a clear prescription from a nutritionist.
Some notes on choosing drugs and functional foods to support children's appetite are:
Medicines or products need to contain many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, zinc, lysine... Clear and transparent origin, expiry date is important. Can use food at home or abroad with quality and safe for children. In addition, the baby also needs to add the necessary micronutrients such as selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), ... to improve taste, eat delicious, reach afternoon Tall, correct weight and exceed standards, good immune system, strengthen resistance to less sickness and less digestive problems.
Also according to leading nutrition experts, parents need to be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow children to use many types at the same time or continuously change the types of functional foods. Besides, nutritionists also emphasize on the role of biological zinc; Parents should learn and supplement zinc for children properly at the appropriate time, to avoid zinc deficiency affecting the comprehensive development of children.

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