How to relieve gallstone pain?

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The article was consulted professionally with Master, Doctor Nguyen Huyen Nhung - Gastroenterologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Gallstones when they first appear often have no obvious symptoms until they grow in size and rub against the wall of the bile, causing inflammation or blockage of the bile ducts. The patient will then experience pain. So how to reduce the pain caused by gallstones?

1. What kind of pain is caused by gallstones?

Patients with gallstones often have the pain described below:
Abdominal pain in the right lower quadrant, accompanied by nausea and bloating: This is one of the common signs that appear when mud or stones are present. tablets in the gallbladder. This condition often occurs after greasy meals or eating too full, stones obstruct the flow of bile into the small intestine, causing the digestion of fat to be interrupted. Severe and continuous abdominal pain in the right epigastrium and lower abdomen, which may spread to the shoulder, accompanied by high fever: This symptom usually occurs when gallstones cause complications such as cholecystitis, cholangitis or biliary obstruction. Many cases have to bend over to have an anti-pain posture, press on the right lower quadrant with the hand, but the pain still increases without relief. Dull abdominal pain, localized to the right flank: The location of the right flank is a possible sign of abdominal pain caused by gallstones, which usually occurs when the stones increase in size and move and rub against the gallstones. into the gallbladder. The pain can last for a few minutes or a few hours, but it is mild, dull, sometimes painless and often mistaken for digestive diseases.
How to relieve gallstone pain?

2. How to relieve stomach pain caused by gallstones quickly

The pain caused by gallstones makes the patient painful and tired. In case the patient cannot immediately go to the medical facility for examination and treatment of acute pain, here are some ways to help relieve the pain of abdominal pain caused by gallstones quickly at home for the patient.
Apply a heating bag: For this method, the patient takes the heating bag to the right abdomen to apply it and holds the heating bag for 20 to 30 minutes, so that the patient's temperature is comfortable so as not to get burned. after applying. When using a heating bag, it can help relax the biliary smooth muscle, allowing bile to circulate and reduce the number of stones that cause biliary obstruction. Should lie in a folded position: To reduce gallstone pain, the patient can lie in a bent position, with the knees up close to the chest. This anti-pain posture will partly help the patient feel more comfortable and comfortable, the pain will also decrease gradually.

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Cách giảm đau bụng do sỏi mật nhanh chóng

Drink apple cider vinegar : The acidic component in apple cider vinegar helps to reduce abdominal pain caused by gallstones. Every day, patients can mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 250ml of apple juice to drink, which will be very good for the hepatobiliary system. However, patients should not apply this method to people who have a history of or are suffering from stomach pain caused by ulcers. Because the acid in apple cider vinegar will make stomach pain worse. Drinking fresh turmeric water: Turmeric has the main ingredient Curcumin, which is a male medicine that supports the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, especially patients with stomach pain and abdominal pain caused by gallstones. When the patient has pain due to gallstones or gallstones, fresh turmeric can be steeped with boiling water to drink. After drinking, it works to stop the pain caused by cholestasis, and at the same time helps to reduce inflammation caused by bile obstruction. Use castor oil: Castor oil is commonly used as a hot compress to treat a variety of pain conditions, including pain caused by gallstones. Castor oil can relieve pain and reduce spasms of the gallbladder and bile ducts. Castor oil can be absorbed through the skin, so using castor oil to apply to the gallbladder site when there is pain helps effectively relieve pain. However, castor oil has a rather unpleasant smell and can stain clothes, towels, sheets, etc. So it should be used with caution. The patient dips a clean towel in castor oil. Squeeze out excess oil and fold the towel in half. Then lie on your back and place the oil-soaked towel over the gallbladder area, then place a layer of cling film over the castor oil-filled towel and a warm, damp washcloth on top. Finally, place a hot water bottle on top and cover with a blanket. Patients lie still in place, breathe slowly and deeply, apply for 30 minutes, effectively reducing pain caused by gallstones.
How to relieve gallstone pain?

Use pain relievers: In addition to the ways mentioned above, patients can use some types of pain relievers caused by gallstones such as Papaverin, mobic, ... have effective pain relief, however, patients When taking any medicine, it is necessary to consult a doctor to ensure effectiveness and limit side effects. In general, the ways to reduce the pain of gallstones above only help improve symptoms temporarily, the risk of recurrence is high, even unexpected complications if gallstones remain. Therefore, even after using the way to relieve gallstone pain immediately, the patient should still apply more solutions to help stop the pain for a long time, without recurrence.

3. How to relieve the pain of gallstones long-term, without recurrence

Many scientific studies have shown that the application of home remedies for gallstones with herbs not only helps to reduce the pain of gallstones in the long term, but also helps to eliminate stones, improve other symptoms of gallstone disease such as fullness. Ascites, indigestion, jaundice...
In particular, the combination of 8 precious herbs (Ut Kim, Chi Tu, Hoang Ba, Sai Ho, Nhan Tran, Diep Ha Chau, Chi body, Kim Tien Thao) has Effective relief of gallbladder stone pain quickly after only 1-3 weeks. Many patients see a marked improvement from the first days. In particular, the combination of these herbs also helps to cut the pain caused by gallstones for a long time thanks to their effectiveness in eroding stones. Specifically as follows:
Ut Kim, Chi Tu, Kim Tien Thao: Helps increase biliary tract movement, improves bile circulation. As a result, improving symptoms of gallstone disease such as abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, jaundice, yellow eyes, yellow urine... Hoang Ba, Sai Ho have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects to avoid complications Cholecystitis, cholangitis caused by stones Nhan Tran, Diep Ha Chau, Just body helps to enhance liver function, benefit bile. As a result, it has the effect of softening and eroding gallstones gradually, preventing gallstones from recurring. In order to effectively relieve pain, patients should use these 8 herbs at the same time at an early stage, preferably right after gallstones are discovered. Currently, there are products for gallstone patients containing 8 herbs that are licensed for circulation, patients can refer to use.
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