How to reduce bloating during menstruation

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Dysmenorrhea occurs due to changes in the levels of the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Many studies show that changes in progesterone and estrogen levels cause the body to retain more water and salt, causing a feeling of bloating. Here are some expert tips to help reduce the feeling of bloating in your lower abdomen during your period.

1. Avoid salty foods

The sodium component in salt can cause water retention in the intestines, increasing the feeling of bloating during the month. According to the recommendations of the American Heart Association, you should only add 1500mg of salt to your body per day, at least you should cook at home, and limit your intake of processed foods because of their high salt content. .

2. Eat foods rich in potassium

Contrary to sodium, potassium helps increase water drainage from the body, this has a diuretic effect, good for people with bloating during menstruation. Potassium-rich foods to supplement during menstruation include dark green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, bananas, tomatoes, cantaloupe, asparagus, etc. In addition, some other foods also have diuretic effects such as celery, cucumber, watermelon, lemon, garlic, ginger.

3. Drink lots of water

Drinking more water improves hydration, which is often effective in improving the sensation of lower abdominal pain during menstruation. You should drink about 8 cups / day, you can add a little mint to the water to reduce inflammatory agents.

4. Avoid Refined Carbohydrates

Eating a lot of refined carbohydrates can cause a spike in blood sugar, increase insulin levels, causing the kidneys to retain sodium, high sodium levels will cause water retention. Therefore, to improve bloating during menstruation, you should avoid foods containing refined carbohydrates such as bread, soft drinks, junk food.

5. Exercise

Many studies have shown that exercising 2.5 hours per week can help reduce symptoms experienced during menstruation, including bloating. This is because exercise will help the digestive system work faster, promoting the digestion of food. You should choose gentle forms of exercise such as yoga, jogging.

6. Birth control pills

Studies have shown that daily use of birth control pills can help reduce painful, uncomfortable symptoms experienced during menstruation by up to 50%. However, the effects of birth control pills can vary from person to person, so it's a good idea to talk to your doctor and try several medications to see which works for PMS control. the best period.

7. Stay away from foods that cause bloating

Some foods that can cause bloating you should avoid eating during your period include cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, legumes and lettuce. This is because the composition of these vegetables contains a complex sugar called raffinose that the human body lacks the enzyme to break down them.

8. Avoid caffeine, alcoholic and carbonated drinks

Alcohol can increase feelings of fullness, breast tenderness and mood swings during menstruation. Caffeine stimulates digestion, irritates the intestines, increases the risk of dehydration. Meanwhile, carbonated drinks increase gas production in the stomach and intestines, causing bloating and discomfort. Therefore, you should avoid using them on the day of your period.

9. Painkillers

Taking the anti-inflammatory pain reliever ibuprofen or naproxen 200-400mg about 2 days before menstruation, spaced at least 6-8 hours apart can reduce the risk of bloating and pain during menstruation. However, this is only a temporary measure, you should not abuse the drug to avoid side effects.

Phụ nữ đau chướng bụng dưới khi đến ngày hành kinh có thể dùng thuốc giảm đau
Phụ nữ đau chướng bụng dưới khi đến ngày hành kinh có thể dùng thuốc giảm đau

10. Get enough sleep

Making sure to sleep 8 hours a day can help reduce discomfort on the day of your period. This is because excess fluid in the abdomen moves down and is eliminated more efficiently during sleep.

11. Clean the intimate area clean

You should change tampons 4-5 times a day, before each dressing change, clean the intimate area with warm water, if you use a cleaning solution, you should only use products with bactericidal ingredients, extracts. from herbs and helps balance vaginal pH.

12. Warm compress

Warming the abdomen is an effective measure to soothe bloating and gas during menstruation because it can help relax muscles and help the uterus contract more easily. You should apply warmth by using a warm pack or towel or a warm water bottle on your lower abdomen.
Abdominal bloating during menstruation not only causes discomfort but also seriously affects quality of life and overall health. Therefore, you can apply one of the above methods to reduce abdominal bloating during menstruation effectively. If this condition persists, you should go to medical centers for examination and treatment.
With many years of experience in the examination and treatment of gynecological diseases, Vinmec International General Hospital has now become one of the major health care centers, capable of examination and screening. and treat many specialized diseases in children. Therefore, if the abdominal distention during menstruation lasts, you can go to Vinmec International General Hospital to examine and receive support and advice from doctors and health experts.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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