How to prepare food for babies from 6 months to 3 years old

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Children need to eat enough nutrients every day to grow healthy, strong and smart. At around 6 months of age, children will begin to grow rapidly and need more energy and nutrients than at any other time in their lives. In addition to ensuring a clean and diverse food source, and how to prepare food, the baby also needs to be properly cared for to help them enjoy each meal more.

1. Principles of making solid food for babies over 6 months old

When the baby is 6 months old, in addition to breast milk is an important source of nutrition, around this time, the mother should start giving the baby solid foods. At this time, your baby needs to be introduced to different solid foods, to meet his growing energy and nutritional needs. Usually, solid foods should be added after breastfeeding or between feedings. When starting to give solid foods to babies, mothers need to pay attention to continue breastfeeding as much as possible.
When you start preparing baby food, pay close attention to hygiene so that your baby does not get sick. As children learn to crawl and slither, the risk of exposure to bacteria increases, especially the hand-to-mouth route. Protect your baby from getting sick by washing your hands before preparing baby food. Before each meal, parents also do not forget to wash their children's hands.
When the baby is 6 months old, the baby is just learning to chew with an incomplete jaw frame. Therefore, preparing solid foods for babies in the first few days need to ensure that the foods are soft so that they are easy to swallow, such as porridge or thoroughly mashed fruits and vegetables. Another note when cooking porridge for children to eat solids is not to cook porridge too thin and too much water. To make the dish more nutritious, cook until the porridge is thick enough.
Immediately after preparing baby food, mothers should feed the baby immediately. Parents need to know how to recognize the signs of hunger such as putting their hand to their mouth. After washing hands, parents or caregivers should start by giving the child two to three tablespoons of soft food, twice a day. At this age, the baby's stomach is still small, so each meal can only eat a very small amount. In contrast, preparing food for a 2-year-old baby, when the child is older, can be done with an increased amount of food, because at this time the child can already eat more. As your baby grows, his stomach also increases in size, so he can eat more food at each meal.
The taste of a new food can surprise, even refuse. Parents should not rush and give children a little time to get used to these new foods. The important rule is to be patient and not force the child to eat. In addition, parents also need to observe closely to detect signs that the baby is full and then stop breastfeeding.
If you are not breastfeeding, your baby will need to feed more often. In addition, babies will also need the nutrients their bodies need from other foods, including formula and dairy products. Similarly, non-breastfed babies should also be introduced to soft foods, crushed in small amounts, and then gradually increased portion sizes.
Children 2 years and older will no longer be breastfed, so solid foods will be the main source of nutrition for their development. Besides, the jawbone and teeth have also grown close enough, now the child can eat a wider variety of foods, including those with tougher textures such as meat, fish... Therefore, processing Food for children 2 years and older can be quite similar to adult servings. Children can learn to be familiar with stir-fried, fried, and stewed dishes. It's important to keep in mind that children should be eating a variety of foods from the major nutrient groups.
Watch now: How much salt does it take to prepare complementary foods for 1-2 year olds?

Chế biến thức ăn cho bé cần đảm bảo các món ăn phải mềm
Chế biến thức ăn cho bé cần đảm bảo các món ăn phải mềm

2. Some ways to prepare food for babies from 6 months to 3 years old

If you need some inspiration to cook delicious and healthy food for your kids, check out these meal ideas below. They are not necessarily suitable when starting solids but are best when your baby is used to eating a variety of solid foods.
When preparing baby food, parents should not add sugar or salt directly to the food.

2.1. Breakfast suggestions for babies and children

Unsweetened porridge or low-sugar cereal mixed with whole milk, topped with fruit, such as pear or mashed ripe banana Cereal made with whole-grain crackers (choose low-sugar varieties) with whole milk and fruit Low-sugar breakfast cereal and unsweetened apple stew with plain unsweetened yogurt Finger toast with mashed banana and peanut butter (if possible, choose unsalted and unsweetened) Toast with hard-boiled eggs and tomatoes, bananas or peaches Toast or muffins with eggs and tomatoes

2.2. Lunch suggestions for babies and children

Curry with rice Cheese, cauliflower with cooked pasta Baked beans (reduced salt and sugar) with toast Egg rolls with toast, served with vegetables Fresh cheese dip with bread, cucumber and carrot sticks

2.3. Suggested dinners for babies and children

Mashed sweet potatoes with chickpeas and cauliflower Ground beef or pork with greens Rice and peas mashed with shrimp Minced chicken and vegetables stew with mashed potatoes Canned salmon mashed with wine and peas Fish steamed in milk with potatoes, broccoli and carrots

Bữa tối cho bé với món khoai lang nghiền với đậu gà và súp lơ
Bữa tối cho bé với món khoai lang nghiền với đậu gà và súp lơ

2.4. Suggestions for snacks for children

Soft cooked vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, turnips and sweet potatoes Carrots or cucumbers and avocados Fresh fruit, such as apples (cooked soft if needed), bananas, pears or soft ripe peaches, peeled Toast cut into sticks Rice or corn cakes without salt and sugar Lean meat without bones, such as chicken and lamb Cheese toast (full fat) and cucumber Thoroughly boiled eggs Full fat yogurt without sugar, pasteurized, sugar-free Infants under 12 months old do not need to eat extra meals. If you think your baby is hungry between meals, offer extra formula. When your child turns 1 year old, you can add about 2 healthy snacks between meals:
It can take up to 10 tries or even more for your baby to get used to foods, flavors New flavors and textures. Parents, be patient and continue to offer a variety of fruits and vegetables, including bitter ones like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and cabbage. Try to make sure fruits and vegetables are included with every meal.

2.5. Drinks for babies and children

From about 6 months of age, breast milk and formula are still your baby's main drink. Whole cow's milk can be used for cooking or mixed with food from about 6 months of age but should not be given to babies as a drink until they are 12 months old. Accordingly, parents should give their children whole milk until they are 2 years old, because children need more energy, vitamins and minerals.
Parents can give their child semi-skimmed milk when the child is 2 years of age or older, as long as the child eats well and has a varied diet. Skimmed milk and 1% milk are not suitable for children under 5 years of age, as they do not contain enough calories.
Sugary juices, flavored milks, "fruit" or "juice" drinks, and sugary carbonated drinks can cause tooth decay, even when diluted. These drinks can also keep children full for longer and prevent them from eating other, healthier foods.
In short, the way to prepare food for babies from 6 months - 3 years old is very diverse, parents can refer to the processing method and menu in the above article. In particular, parents also need to pay attention to supplementing with necessary micronutrients during this period such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), ... to improve taste, eat well, gain height and weight right and exceed standards, have a good immune system, enhance resistance to less sickness and less digestive problems.
Also according to leading nutrition experts, parents need to be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods. Besides, nutritionists also emphasize on the role of biological zinc; Parents should learn and supplement zinc for children properly at the appropriate time, to avoid zinc deficiency affecting the comprehensive development of children.
It can be said that the child's digestive system is quite sensitive, for the child to develop comprehensively, parents need to pay attention, learn about the child's digestive system and take proper care of the child to limit the risk of infection. or child malnutrition. If young children have health problems, parents should not be subjective, carefully monitor them and take them to the nearest and reputable medical facility for timely examination.

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