How to lose weight safely for puberty?

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Overweight at puberty is a very worrisome problem as they can be the cause of cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure, and blood fats later in life. Therefore, when having obesity during puberty, children are always encouraged to lose weight. So what is the safest and most effective way to lose weight for this age?

1. Puberty obesity and the safest and most effective weight loss

Weight loss can benefit people of all ages, including puberty. However, it is important for teens going through puberty to lose weight in healthy ways through making dietary and lifestyle changes to nourish their growing bodies as well. like doing them a long way

Tỷ lệ trẻ em ở tuổi dậy thì bị béo phì ngày càng tăng
Tỷ lệ trẻ em ở tuổi dậy thì bị béo phì ngày càng tăng

2. Safe ways to lose weight for puberty

2.1. Set realistic, healthy goals

Losing excess body fat is a great way to achieve good health. However, it's important to set goals that are specific, healthy, and achievable.
While losing excess body fat is important for overweight teens, the focus should always be on improving health, not body weight. Family support and education at home and at school are associated with adolescents' weight loss success and can help reinforce positive lifestyle changes.

2.2. Cut down on sugary drinks

Probably one of the safest and most effective ways to lose weight is to cut back on sugary drinks even though they are one of the favorites of teenagers. Soft drinks, energy drinks, sweetened teas and fruit drinks contain more sugar. Studies show that high sugar consumption can lead to weight gain in adolescents and may also increase the risk of certain health problems, such as: metabolic cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type 2 sugar, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, acne and tooth decay....
Research shows that teenagers are more likely to consume sugary drinks if their parents also do like this, so it would be beneficial for the whole family to come to an agreement on cutting down on these unhealthy drinks.

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Nên tránh xa các loại đồ uống, thực phẩm có đường

2.3. Increase physical activity

Teenagers don't have to join a sports team or the gym to be healthy. Just being mindful of sitting less and moving more is a great way to get rid of excess body fat. Increasing overall daily activity can also increase muscle mass, which can help the body burn calories more efficiently.
The key to achieving and staying physically fit is to find an activity you really enjoy, it can take a while to determine which sport you really enjoy. Try a new sport or activity each week until you find one that works for you. Hiking, biking, soccer, yoga, swimming and dancing are just some of the activities that pubescent teenagers should try. Also, engaging in other active hobbies like gardening or social activities like cleaning the park or the beach are also great ways to increase activity levels.
Furthermore, being active can help improve mood and has been shown to reduce depressive symptoms in adolescents during puberty.

Hướng dẫn trẻ tăng cường vận động để giúp tinh thần và thể chất khỏe mạnh
Hướng dẫn trẻ tăng cường vận động để giúp tinh thần và thể chất khỏe mạnh

2.4. Fuel your body with nutritious foods

Instead of focusing on calorie content, choose foods based on nutrient density, that is, the amount of nutrients present in the composition of the food, including vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Because adolescents are still in the developmental stage, especially physically, they have higher requirements for certain nutrients, such as phosphorus and calcium, than adults. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beneficial fats, and healthy sources of protein are not only nutritious, but can also encourage weight loss. For example, fiber found in vegetables, whole grains, and fruit, as well as protein found in sources like eggs, chicken, beans, and nuts can help keep you feeling full for longer between meals and prevent overeating.

2.5. Don't Avoid Fats Completely

Because their bodies are still developing, children and teenagers need more fat than adults. When trying to lose weight, it is common to cut out sources of fat from the diet due to their calorie content. However, cutting too much fat can have a negative impact on growth and development, especially during puberty. Instead of dropping large amounts of fat in your diet, focus on swapping unhealthy fats for healthy fats.
Replacing unhealthy fats, such as fried foods and high-sugar baked goods with nuts, avocados, olive oil and fatty fish can promote healthy weight loss. Healthy fats not only fuel a child's body, but are also important for brain development and overall growth.

Sử dụng chất béo lành mạnh như cá hồi, dầu oliu
Sử dụng chất béo lành mạnh như cá hồi, dầu oliu

2.6. Limit the amount of sugar in foods or diets

Teenagers tend to eat foods that are high in added sugars, such as candy, cookies, sugary cereals and other sugary processed foods. When trying to improve health and lose excess body weight, cutting back on added sugars is essential. This is because most foods high in added sugars are low in protein and fiber, which can increase cravings and lead to overeating throughout the day. A study in 16 young women found that those who drank a high-sugar beverage in the morning reported feeling more hungry and consumed more food at lunch than those who drank a lower-sugar beverage. at breakfast. Foods high in sugar not only increase hunger, but can also negatively impact school performance, sleep, and mood in adolescents during puberty.

2.7. Avoid following unhealthy diets

The pressure to lose weight safely during puberty can lead many teens to try diets that aren't based on science. There are countless such diets out there, some even advertised by celebrities. The most important thing is to understand that fad diets, especially restrictive fad diets, rarely have long-term effects and can even be harmful to health.
Very restrictive diets are difficult to follow and rarely provide all the nutrients a child's body needs to function at optimal levels. Plus, eating too few calories can slow weight loss, as the body gradually adapts to the limited food intake. Instead of focusing on short-term weight loss, teens should focus on slow, steady, and healthy weight loss over time.

Chỉ thực hiện chế độ ăn kiêng khoa học và lành mạnh
Chỉ thực hiện chế độ ăn kiêng khoa học và lành mạnh

2.8. Eat a lot of vegetables

Vegetables are foods that contain many important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber. They also contain powerful compounds called antioxidants, which help protect the body's cells from free radical attack that can cause damage or inflammation.
In addition to getting many essential vitamins and minerals, research has shown that consuming more vegetables can help teenagers achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. Vegetables contain a lot of fiber and water, helping to increase the feeling of fullness, maintaining a feeling of fullness longer after a meal. This reduces the risk of overeating by keeping appetite steady throughout the day.

2.9. Don't skip meals

While skipping meals seems to help people lose weight, it can actually cause children to eat more during the day due to hunger. Studies show that teenagers who skip breakfast are more likely to be obese than those who regularly eat breakfast.
Instead of skipping breakfast or reaching for sugary fast foods, teens should prioritize eating a balanced meal. Also, choosing a balanced breakfast that's higher in protein can help kids feel energized and satisfied until the next meal. A study conducted in 20 teenage girls demonstrated that those who regularly ate a breakfast with a higher protein content from eggs were less hungry and had fewer snacks throughout the day than those who ate breakfast with a high protein content. lower protein intake from cereals

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Trong quá trình giảm cân không được cho trẻ bỏ bữa

2.10. Diet food

Foods and drinks that are advertised as "healthy and healthy" may contain a lot of artificial sweeteners, unhealthy fats, and other unhealthy ingredients. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose have been linked to health problems, including stomach pain, migraines, and even weight gain, as found in some studies. Plus, diet foods and drinks are often highly processed and rarely contain the nutrients a growing body needs. Instead of buying diet items, choose whole, unprocessed foods to make healthy meals and snacks.
Losing excess body weight can improve health, confidence and overall quality of life in adolescents. However, it is important for children to be guided through safe, healthy weight loss methods to achieve their goals. Reducing added sugars, getting enough exercise, and eating whole foods that are nutritious are simple and effective ways for teens to lose weight.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has implemented a general health checkup package for all subjects, ages and genders. The fact that children are examined at this age helps doctors detect abnormalities and intervene in a timely manner. In particular, obesity in puberty increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and blood pressure.
Through the examination, the doctor will advise on a diet and lifestyle suitable for each child's condition, helping the child have the best health for the later development stage. The examination is always performed by experts, qualified doctors from many major hospitals across the country.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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