How to help your baby eat well, absorb well, gain weight

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There are many reasons why a baby does not gain weight according to the growth chart after 1 year of age. Therefore, mothers are always interested in measures to help babies eat well. The article will mention ways to help children eat well, gain weight and have good health.

1. How to help your baby gain healthy weight

Children who have difficulty gaining weight often do not have an appetite, so they do not eat much. Trying to eat too much or binge eating will not be good for your child's health.
If your child is thin and eats too much junk food, encourage them to eat healthy and give them a multivitamin or if they are lacking in important nutrients. Children with low birth weight and chronic diseases need a special diet.
However, weight gain can especially be a problem for some children taking stimulants, such as Adderall XR, Concerta, or Vyvanse for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), even after when adjusting dosage or changing medication.
Here are some ways to help your baby eat well in a healthy way:
Don't skip meals Consider eating 4 or 5 small meals a day, rather than trying to eat 3 larger meals, as your child will probably not eat all the food. Encourage 1 or 2 healthy snacks per day. Avoid foods that are low in nutrients, high in calories, such as junk foods that contain empty calories, including candy, chips, and soft drinks. Eat foods rich in nutrients and energy, high in calories as well as vitamins, minerals or other nutrients, such as whole milk, whole milk yogurt, peanut butter, etc. Avoid foods low-calorie or no-calorie drinks, such as diet sodas and fruit drinks. Limit beverages during meals so your child is not full and may want to eat more food. Consult a dietitian for extra help, especially if your child has malabsorption or has a chronic illness that causes him to be underweight. Most importantly, encourage your child to eat when he's hungry and at least eat something, rather than skipping meals altogether if he's not hungry at a certain time of day.

Bạn nên hạn chế cho trẻ uống nước trong bữa ăn để giúp bé ăn ngon hấp thu tốt
Bạn nên hạn chế cho trẻ uống nước trong bữa ăn để giúp bé ăn ngon hấp thu tốt

2. Some foods help your baby eat well and absorb well

Parents often think that they need to add foods rich in calories when they want their children to gain weight. However, foods that help children eat well and gain weight in a healthy way need to be rich in nutrients and energy, not simply junk food. Therefore, you should supplement your child with foods containing protein, good fats and other nutrients such as:
Whole milk or 2% milk. Yogurt cheese made from whole milk or 2% milk. Omelet. Peanut butter. Cereal with whole milk. Orange juice. Mixture of dried fruit, seeds and nuts. You can also make a list of foods your child really likes to eat, then try to find more nutrient-dense and energy-dense versions. These food groups should include fruits, vegetables, and a wide variety of foods from all food groups.

3. Supplements to support your baby to eat well and absorb well

Although nutritionists often discourage children from using supplements or medications to help them eat and sleep well and gain weight, it can often help add calories from the food a child is eating and drinking. . The following nutrient-rich foods can be combined with some other foods:
Milk Powder Margarine Cheese Wheat Germ Peanut Butter Instant Breakfast Mix Honey Butter Sour Cream Mayonaise Lettuce For example, adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of powdered milk to 250ml of whole milk (150kcal) can add 30 to 60 calories to your baby's milkshake. Or you can add a packet of meal replacement powder to a glass of whole milk and add 130 calories to that glass for a total of 280 calories.

Phô mai là loại thực phẩm có tác dụng giúp bé ăn ngon hấp thu tốt
Phô mai là loại thực phẩm có tác dụng giúp bé ăn ngon hấp thu tốt

4. Some tips in the process of helping children eat well and gain weight

You can also substitute powdered milk in some recipes, like when making pudding or oatmeal. You can add a serving of cheese to some of your child's favorite foods for about 60 extra calories.
Even a banana can add calories by serving with a spoonful of peanut butter, to give your child an extra 100 calories for this snack.
In short, the baby does not gain weight according to the growth chart often makes parents very worried. However, in order for the baby to eat well and gain weight in moderation, parents need to have appropriate nutrition and exercise; Consult a nutritionist for advice on how to help your baby eat well.
Besides, babies need to add necessary micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), ... to improve taste, eat delicious , reach the right height and weight and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, strengthen the resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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