How to feed your baby fruit weaning?

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When the baby is 6 months old, the baby will be given solid foods to supplement the necessary substances for the body. So how should parents give their baby fruit weaning, when and what should be noted?

1. What is weaning?

Weaning is the feeding of children with foods other than breast milk such as starch, protein, vitamins, etc. from foods such as porridge, flour, meat, fish, eggs, milk, vegetables, fruits, etc. .. These foods have the effect of supplementing nutrients for children's comprehensive development, but cannot completely replace breast milk. Breast milk still provides many antibacterial factors to help children improve resistance and reduce the risk of disease. Therefore, the infant should still be breastfed and gradually increase the amount of solid foods according to the age of the child.
When your baby is 6 months old is the best time to start solids. Thus, to the question of when to give fruit to babies, the answer is when the baby is 6 months old. Because from this point on, children have a very fast growth rate, which means that their nutritional needs will increase. At that time, breast milk does not meet the nutritional needs of the baby (especially after 6 months, breast milk begins to thin and become less). Therefore, children need to eat more solid foods to supplement full nutrition, ensure good growth and health.

2. Benefits of giving children fruit weaning

It is very important for the baby to eat more fruits every day. Green vegetables and ripe fruits are a source of vitamins and minerals necessary for health, especially for children of growing age, need to be provided with many nutrients.
Ripe fruit is a rich source of vitamin C and carotene (provitamin A) for the body. Not only that, ripe fruits also provide important minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, .. The fruits for baby weaning have yellow, red, orange colors such as gac, papaya, mango, persimmon, etc. .. contains a lot of beta-carotene to help children grow well, help brighten eyes, prevent dry eyes. At the same time, ripe fruits also help strengthen resistance, prevent diseases such as diarrhea, respiratory infections, ...
In ripe fruits also contain pectin substances that have the effect of absorbing toxins to the body. can be excreted. In addition, an important feature is that fruits also have an appetite-stimulating effect, stimulating the function of the digestive glands. Fruits are high in fiber, stimulate bowel movements, and prevent constipation. At the same time, fruit has an antioxidant polyphenol complex, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Thus, it is very important to eat ripe fruit for all subjects in general and for children of weaning age in particular. According to the Institute of Nutrition, every day an adult should eat about 300g of green vegetables and 100g of ripe fruit. The need to eat green vegetables and fruits with children needs to be reasonable depending on age.

Cho bé ăn dặm hoa quả như thế nào đúng cách là thắc mắc của nhiều bậc cha mẹ
Cho bé ăn dặm hoa quả như thế nào đúng cách là thắc mắc của nhiều bậc cha mẹ

3. How to feed your baby fruit weaning?

3.1. Introduce children to avocados and bananas Parents should start giving children fruit weaning when they are about 6 months old. When children are new to fruit, parents should let children drink about 5-7 drops of orange and tangerine juice, ... then gradually increase to 2-3 teaspoons. During the first 2-3 weeks of solid foods, mothers should give their babies bananas and avocados because these are two soft fruits, easy to absorb, less allergic, and do not experience taste problems when eating. From the 4th - 5th week of weaning onward (after 6.5 months of age), parents can feed their children a variety of fruits such as apples, strawberries, mangoes, dragon fruits,... sweet fruit).
3.2. Time for children to eat fruit Parents should let children eat fruit about 30-45 minutes after the main meal. Or you can give the child fruit to eat at a snack, about 2-3 hours after the main meal. Because if children eat fruit right before a meal, the baby will be full and refuse to eat food during the main meal. If children eat fruit right after the main meal, some substances in fruit can make the baby's stomach full, indigestion, easy to lead to constipation.
3.3. For children to drink juice properly With the question of how to feed your baby fruit weaning, drinking juice is also a matter of concern for parents. Accordingly, parents should note: Children under 6 months old are not allowed to use any fruit juices. If you give your baby juice, you should follow the instructions of a nutritionist, do not use it arbitrarily.
Parents can give the baby juice during or after the main meal or about 3 hours before the main meal. Note: Do not give your baby juice throughout the day.
3.4. Combining fruits for children Parents should know how to combine fruits appropriately so that children are not picky eaters, have a stable taste and better absorb the nutrients in fruits.
Some suggestions for good fruit combinations are: Avocado + banana, apple + banana, papaya + mango, banana + pear + apple, avocado + apple/pear,... Some fruits should not be combined with each other is: Orange + carrot, pomegranate + apricot, guava + banana, lemon + papaya,...
3.5. Some notes when giving baby fruit weaning Parents should pay attention to the following issues when feeding children fruit weaning:
Should give your baby fruit in the right season (except for those that are available all year round), no Eat fruit that is out of season. Because out-of-season fruits often contain more preservatives, drugs, etc. or pesticide residues more than in-season fruits; When the baby is learning to eat, it is necessary to feed it little by little, crush the fruit to make it easier for the baby to swallow; Children 6-12 months old should eat about 60-100g of mashed fruit/day (equivalent to 1⁄3 bananas, 1 piece of papaya, 1 sapodilla or 1 piece of ripe mango). When children are 1-2 years old, children should eat about 100g of fruit every day. For children 3-5 years old, the amount of fruit should be about 150-200g/day; Do not give your baby hard fruit or small round fruit because it can cause choking or choking. The article has helped parents understand how to feed their children fruit weaning so that they can eat deliciously, not picky eaters, and ensure that children absorb the necessary vitamins for their body, thereby developing healthy. than.
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