How to cook oatmeal for weight loss

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Oats are a food that is recommended by health experts and nutritionists around the world at all ages, from children, adults to the elderly. Because this is a healthy nutritious food, it is also one of the good choices for people who are in the process of losing weight.

1. Why are oats used for weight loss?

Oats are a great source of fiber and fiber is a very important nutrient for weight loss. According to studies, adding more fiber to your daily diet is one of the simplest ways to accomplish weight loss. Because fiber has few calories as well as helps people feel full for longer, slows down the digestive process and prolongs the time it takes to break down in the body. As a result, low-nutrient foods such as refined carbohydrates do not have a chance to be produced.
Besides, the use of oats also helps you cut body fat thanks to the zero sugar index. In principle, when blood sugar is kept stable, the human body will does not produce insulin (a compound that converts sugar into stored fat). Since then, the formation of fat in the human body is also reduced to the maximum, helping the body not to store excess fat and gain weight.

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Việc bổ sung thêm chất xơ vào chế độ ăn hàng ngày là một trong những cách đơn giản nhất để thực hiện việc giảm cân

2. Note when using oats to lose weight

When using oats for weight loss, you need to note a few things to increase the effectiveness of weight loss as well as avoid some side effects of oats.
Choose the right type of oats for weight loss There are many types of oats used for weight loss. The most common types are whole oats, chopped oats, and rolled oats. Shredded oats are whole oats that have been chopped. However, rolled oats are whole oats that have been steamed and rolled flat. Chopped oats are more pure but contain more calories, so consider when choosing to lose weight.
Choose unsweetened oats Oats that have been added sugar and flavoring will contain higher calories, so it is not suitable for weight loss.
Choose low-calorie dishes to go with oats If you still want your oats to have a lot of flavor, you can choose to add your favorite ingredients at home. You can use fruit, fat-free yogurt to eat with oats.
Limiting the risks of oats in the process of weight loss Although using oats for weight loss will provide some health benefits, using oats can also occur some risks. Therefore, when building a suitable weight loss oat diet, you should consult a nutritionist for advice and application. Because oats have very few calories, you need to increase your daily calorie intake by adding more other foods to reduce the risks.

Những loại yến mạch đã được thêm đường và hương liệu sẽ chứa hàm lượng calo cao hơn, do đó nó không thích hợp để dùng giảm cân
Những loại yến mạch đã được thêm đường và hương liệu sẽ chứa hàm lượng calo cao hơn, do đó nó không thích hợp để dùng giảm cân

3. How to cook oatmeal for weight loss

Compared to normal porridge dishes that take time because rice takes a long time, the choice of cooking oatmeal for weight loss is very suitable because the processing time is very fast. Here's how to cook oat porridge with shrimp for breakfast for 4 people:
Step 1: Prepare 3/4 cup of ground oats, 3 cups of milk, 1/8 cup of extra virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon butter, 1 finely chopped onion, 450g peeled and gutted shrimp, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon white pepper. Step 2: Put the milk in the pan and boil the milk, then add the oatmeal and cook on low heat for about 10 minutes. During the cooking process, you should stir often to make the dough more smooth. Step 3: Heat olive oil and butter, then fry onions until fragrant and add shrimp. Add seasoning to taste and continue to cook for about 5 minutes. Step 4: Pour the stir-fry mixture into the oat pan and continue to cook for about 15 minutes and use while still hot. In addition to how to cook oatmeal for weight loss with shrimp, you can also prepare oats in the following ways to support weight loss:

Thời gian nấu cháo yến mạch rất nhanh, tiện lợi
Thời gian nấu cháo yến mạch rất nhanh, tiện lợi
Carrot Oatmeal for Weight Loss: Prepare 80g oats, 40g chopped carrots, 4g egg whites, 120ml low-fat milk or water, 2.6g cinnamon powder and 5ml whole maple syrup, little raisins. Then mix the oats with maple syrup, carrots, egg whites, milk and you put this mixture in the microwave on high heat for 3 minutes. After about 1 minute, stir the mixture, finally stir one more time and then add cinnamon and raisins. Oats and eggs: Oats contain a lot of fiber to help support weight loss, the protein in chicken eggs will support fiber for faster energy metabolism. These two nutrients when combined can be used as a substitute for breakfast every day, especially the preparation of oats and eggs does not take too much time, you just need to prepare dry oats or cook porridge and boiled eggs. Oats with sweet potatoes: In addition to cooking oatmeal, you can boil sweet potatoes and eat them with oats in the morning. To make this dish, you just need to soak the oats to expand or you can process them into a rather strange smoothie by boiling potatoes, soaked oats just enough, then add these two foods. grinding mill. You can add a little unsweetened yogurt to enjoy. If followed properly, using oats for weight loss can help implement an effective weight loss plan. However, in addition to the oat diet, you need to incorporate a healthy lifestyle, exercise daily to burn calories each day as well as reduce the possibility of losing muscle mass and keep the body more fit. . Note that the patient also needs to follow the correct nutritional principles to limit the possible risks.

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