How to clean the retainer after braces?

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After the end of the period of braces, the doctor will ask to wear a retainer for 1 to 2 years to maintain and stabilize the new position of the teeth as well as strengthen the bones and gums, adapting to the new position. new teeth. In order to achieve the highest orthodontic effect, in addition to needing to wear the retainer for a longer period of time, the braces person also needs to pay attention to how to clean the retainer after braces to achieve the best effect. The article will help readers have more information for reference on how to clean the retainer.

1. What is the maintenance function?

The retainer is a fixed or removable appliance. They work to keep the teeth stable in their new position after the braces are removed. Many people mistakenly believe that after removing braces, they will have permanent straight teeth, but that is not the case. After removing braces, teeth are still weak, during the operation of jaw muscles, chewing food can cause teeth to return to their original position. Therefore, the doctor asked to use the retainer for 1 more time to help the teeth not move back to the old position.

Trắc nghiệm: Thử hiểu biết của bạn về răng

Răng là bộ phận quan trọng, giúp một người sử dụng miệng để ăn, nói, cười và tạo hình dạng cho khuôn mặt của họ. Tuy nhiên, có những sự thật thú vị về răng mà có thể bạn chưa từng biết. Hãy cùng trả lời nhanh 9 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm sau để thử hiểu biết của bạn về răng.

Bài dịch từ:

2. Why is it necessary to wear retainers?

Explain why it is necessary to wear a retainer right after removing braces:
The process of braces is a long period of time when teeth are subjected to tightening, pulling and holding forces from metal wires to move, forces This impact, although mild, still makes the teeth and jaw more sensitive than usual.
After removing the brackets, the teeth will need a period of time for the gum tissue and periodontal tissue to adjust to the stable structure. If the retainer is not worn during this time, the memory of the old position of the periodontal ligament will cause the tooth to move back to its original position.
Immediately after removing the braces, if you look with the naked eye, you can see that the teeth are straight, but in fact the teeth are still weak and unstable in the alveolar bone, plus having to chew daily will make the teeth need a tool Especially as retainers to protect the best results of braces until they are stable, then remove them.

Đeo hàm duy trì ngay sau khi tháo niềng răng giúp cấu trúc răng ổn định
Đeo hàm duy trì ngay sau khi tháo niềng răng giúp cấu trúc răng ổn định

The retainer also helps to hold the tooth in the new position stably, creating new bone in harmony with the tooth when in the new position. The process of keeping a fixed tooth “in place” can take anywhere from 9 to 12 months.

3. How to clean the retainer after braces

Wearing a retainer regularly and for a long time, so to avoid dental diseases, cleaning the retainer after braces is very necessary.
Retainers are usually made according to each person's jaw shape after removing braces by an orthodontist. Retainers are usually made of acrylic resin and will have to be used regularly by the wearer to keep the teeth straight.
There are two most common types of retainers today: Fixed and removable functions. Depending on the needs of each individual, the dentist will advise and use the appropriate type. Each type of maintainer function will have different cleaning and handling methods. However, removable jaws will have many advantages, much easier to be proactive in cleaning than fixed jaws because they can be easily disassembled.
3.1 Fixed retainer: During the period of using the retainer, it is necessary to visit the dental office on time and periodically so that the doctor can regularly check the teeth, make timely adjustments as well as to maintain the jaw. maintained periodically.
For fixed retainers, the dentist will check and clean to make sure the retainers are in the correct position and are free of tartar or plaque.
3.2 Removable retainers: Patients use removable retainers that can be easily removed and inserted for eating and drinking without entanglement. In addition, people with braces can also remove them to clean and keep the mouth clean.
Regularly clean and after each cleaning, if there is no need to put it back in the mouth, it should be stored in its container. Avoid leaving it indiscriminately, which will give bacteria the opportunity to enter. When worn back in the mouth, bacteria have the opportunity to attack the oral cavity causing serious infections for the teeth.

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Hình ảnh vệ sinh hàm duy trì tháo lắp

In addition, for removable retainers, the dentist will prescribe the use of a specific toothpaste suitable for single jaw cleaning. Because using ordinary toothpaste will make the acrylic base material opaque, easy to accumulate bacteria that can cause gingivitis,...

The use of retainers after removing braces is important during the treatment process and they are meant to help ensure beautiful teeth and a beautiful smile during the future. Proper cleaning of the retainer is extremely important to pay attention to. If there is a need to be examined and consulted when there is a need for braces or dental problems, you can go to the Department of Odonto-Stomatology of Vinmec International General Hospital for specific advice from the doctors here. body.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register online HERE.
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