How to breathe better at home, prevent asthma

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Mold, dirt, pollen, or certain allergens can trigger asthma attacks, leading to unpleasant symptoms like coughing and sneezing. Therefore, keeping the place clean, and keeping the air fresh is very important, especially for people with asthma.

1. Keep your house cool

Usually, heating and cooling devices can help recirculate indoor air, filtering out dust or pollen. However, the air from outside the environment will be the best solution to keep the house well ventilated.
So, on clear days and low pollen counts, you should open the windows of the room, or the door to let in the air from outside. This is also especially important if there is a smell of paint, kerosene, food, or wood in your room. These are all factors that can trigger your asthma attack.

Mở cửa sổ phòng để đón luồng không khí tự nhiên trong lành
Mở cửa sổ phòng để đón luồng không khí tự nhiên trong lành

2. Use gentle cleaning products

Using cleaners that contain many harsh chemicals can lead to breathing problems, or trigger asthma and allergy attacks. Therefore, before using any product, you should carefully read their ingredient list and absolutely do not choose those that contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), are fragrant and flammable. Instead, you should use simple cleaning products like soap and water, baking soda, and vinegar.

3. Put plants in the house

If your home is designed with energy efficiency in mind, or has poor ventilation, you should consider placing some indoor plants.
These plants not only remove carbon dioxide and release oxygen to the outside, they can even improve air quality, and clean chemical odors inside the home.
The easiest plants to grow and bring many benefits to your health include ficus, ivy, peace lily, and some palm trees.

Đặt cây xanh trong nhà mang lại nhiều ích lợi cho sức khỏe của bạn
Đặt cây xanh trong nhà mang lại nhiều ích lợi cho sức khỏe của bạn

4. HVAC- air conditioning system

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning. This system can help circulate air, control humidity and temperature inside your home or car, thereby preventing disease-causing molds from multiplying and growing.
However, to maximize the effectiveness of your HVAC, you should change it at least every 3 months. For people with asthma or allergies, if you have pets in your home, it's a good idea to have your HVAC system checked more often than once a month.

5. Bathroom cleaning

Most of the molds inside the house have a very high ability to enter the body if not removed properly. When these bacteria are inhaled inside the nose, they can travel to the lungs and cause allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, or other breathing problems.
Mold usually loves wet areas, especially bathrooms. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep the bathroom clean and dry. You should turn on the fan, or open the window to help move the air after bathing, and hang wet towels and washcloths in sunny places.
If there is mold present inside the bathtub or some nearby areas, you need to clean more often to kill them.

6. Be careful with airless sprays

Even smells that are considered pleasant can affect people with asthma. Some air fresheners may contain VOCs, which are irritating to your nose and throat.
In addition, other aerosol sprays, including health and beauty products, also contain VOCs.

Trong các loại thuốc xịt không khí có chứa VOC gây khó chịu cho mũi và cổ họng
Trong các loại thuốc xịt không khí có chứa VOC gây khó chịu cho mũi và cổ họng

7. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits

The fruits or vegetables when left for a long time will create favorable conditions for mold to grow on them. Therefore, you should regularly inspect stored fruits and vegetables, and remove anything that has mold or slime on it.
To keep them fresh longer, you should not wash them before storing, unless you use them immediately.

8. Use bait to kill cockroaches

In fact, cockroaches can cause some health problems even after they die. When they die, the body will break into many small pieces, and fly aimlessly through the air. The same can be said for their droppings.
These pieces can get inside pillows, blankets or clothes, and trigger your asthma attacks or allergic reactions. If you have asthma, use Roach cockroach baits instead of sprays.

9. Handling liquid leaks

Liquids from your sink, shower, bathroom, dishwasher, refrigerator, or even your roof can promote mold and cockroaches.
Therefore, when areas of liquid leaks are detected, they should be dealt with as quickly as possible. If you can't fix it yourself, you can get the help of a plumber.

Xử lý ngay các chất lỏng bị rò rỉ từ các thiết bị trong nhà bạn
Xử lý ngay các chất lỏng bị rò rỉ từ các thiết bị trong nhà bạn

10. Storing and handling leftovers

In addition to water, cockroaches also love food. Therefore, when there are leftovers, you should store them in an airtight container to ensure that cockroaches cannot access them. In case you want to throw food away, put it in a trash can with a lid.

11. Pets

Other types of dirt and allergens that your pet brings in from the outside environment can cause some problems for your lungs. You should keep them outside the bedroom, and bed as much as possible.
In addition, you also need to bathe them more often, and vacuum the places where they are.

12. Pay attention to areas that are easily forgotten

Kitchen hoods, tops of cabinets, behind toilets and below sinks are the areas that are most easily forgotten when cleaning. You should regularly clean them with warm soapy water.
In addition, pet food containers should also be cleaned daily, and check other areas for leftovers, grease, water or dirt.

Khay đựng thức ăn cho vật nuôi cũng cần được vệ sinh mỗi ngày
Khay đựng thức ăn cho vật nuôi cũng cần được vệ sinh mỗi ngày

13. Cleaning carpets or sheets

Pillowcases, sheets, blankets or carpets need to be laundered once a week in 130 degrees F water to remove dirt, mites, mold, or other things that can affect your breathing.
In addition, you should not use pillows without zipper covers because they often attract dust mites and pet hair, which are difficult to clean completely.

14. Furniture

You should change the look of your living room with furniture designed by vinyl or leather instead of fabric. Because fabrics are prone to dirt, pollen or allergens. If you are prone to allergies or asthma, hang curtains instead of curtains, and make sure to clean them regularly.
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