How much taller do children have to grow at puberty to "escape" short?

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The article was professionally consulted with Associate Professor, Doctor, Doctor Huynh Thoai Loan - Head of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Pediatrics - Neonatology Department, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

Puberty is the best period of height growth during each person's adult life. Eating and exercising properly will help children possess an admirable height.

1. The golden period helps children develop outstanding height

Puberty is a period that marks many great changes in children's physiological and physical aspects. Puberty, especially the pre-puberty period, is a golden period to optimize a child's height, also known as the "big leap" period for children. We define puberty for girls from 10 to 14 years old, boys from 11 to 15 years old. Depending on the inheritance of height of parents, nutrition, exercise, and rest, girls can grow 10 to 12 cm tall and can increase up to 12 to 14 cm during this golden age.
After puberty, a decrease in the hormones involved in calcium and phosphorus absorption causes growth to slow down by stopping calcium transfer into the bones. When puberty is over (after the age of 18), their height will increase very slowly and almost only increase by 1-2cm (boys can be up to 22-25 years old, girls can be taller). to 20-22 years old). If you skip puberty, you have wasted a golden opportunity for optimal height growth and the opportunity will never return.

2. Monitor the child's height growth

The growth of a child's height takes place during growing up, so a simple and effective tool is needed to monitor the evolution of this index. The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a standard height and weight table for parents to support parents in raising tall children. Based on this height and weight table, parents can:
Easily track the child's height development progress: The standard height and weight table is considered as the original reference system for the height and weight of children and children. teenagers around the world. Based on that, parents can easily monitor the changes in the progress of the child's stature development. At the same time, determine whether your child's height is excess or lacking compared to peers. Understanding the health status of children: The standard height and weight table for each age also helps parents understand the health status of their children. Based on the standard weight specified in the Table, parents can know whether the child is underweight or overweight to have appropriate nutritional adjustment methods, without affecting the child's ability to increase height. Provide a method to increase height suitable for the child's condition: Based on the child's height growth rate and health status, parents can suggest an appropriate method to improve this index, based on Factors affecting the growth of children. Just like that, children will soon achieve the standard indicators according to WHO statistics. A baby is considered short if his height index is less than -2 standard deviations according to the height growth chart for age and sex, or when the growth rate in height does not match the growth rate for age. Watch now: Mistakes that make children miss the "golden period" of height development

Giải đáp dậy thì cao thêm bao nhiêu để thoát khỏi
Giải đáp dậy thì cao thêm bao nhiêu để thoát khỏi "nấm lùn"

3. Nutrition and physical training to help children grow taller

Although genetic factors contribute up to 30% of a child's height index, the growth of height during puberty depends largely on nutrition and physical training.

3.1. Increase physical training

Parents encourage children to participate in outdoor activities to stimulate the development of muscles and bones, thereby promoting children's height growth. When active in the sun, the body has the opportunity to synthesize vitamin D naturally, which is very important to help the body absorb calcium.
Exercise plays an important role in the development of height in children. Every day parents should spend 30 minutes to 1 hour with their children to practice every day. Height growth exercises for teenagers help stretch the limbs and tissues in the body. Yoga is a method to improve height for men and women. In yoga exercises, there are a number of postures that help stretch the joints. Some other subjects such as volleyball, swimming, tennis, badminton, football... are also very good choices to improve height for boys at puberty.

3.2. Improve nutritional quality

Balanced nutrition not only plays a decisive role in physical development, but also greatly affects height growth. During puberty, parents not only need to pay attention to a nutritious diet, but also need to strengthen some essential food groups that are beneficial for height development as follows: Protein: Protein is the foundation to help develop bones, muscles and cartilage, thereby improving height. The amount of protein needed each day will vary by gender and vary according to your age: female aged 9-18: 140g; men aged 9-13 is 140g; ages 14-18 is 185g. Protein-rich foods include lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes, and nuts. Eating small meals helps the body absorb nutrients faster and more fully. This amount of nutrients ensures better secretion of growth hormone, stimulates the body to grow quickly and achieve an ideal height. Zinc supplements: Zinc is an essential mineral for growth and for the reproductive system during puberty. The amount of zinc required for ages 9-13 is 8mg/day, from 14-18 years old is 11mg/day. Foods rich in zinc include: seafood (especially shellfish), lamb, amaranth (spinach). Calcium supplements: Calcium is an essential substance for bone and joint development, they are abundant in milk and dairy products. During puberty, children can drink 700ml-1000ml of milk per day (approximately 1,300mg calcium). In addition, calcium is present in other foods such as canned fish, green vegetables, soybeans, nutritious cereals, bread. Drink enough water: Water plays an important role in purifying the body and participating in other activities of bones and joints. The discs of the spine are up to 90% water. If the body does not have enough water, they will become dehydrated and shrink. Besides, it is necessary to stay away from alcoholic beverages or stimulants, because these are all agents that have the ability to seriously affect growth. Smoking and drinking alcohol at a time when the body is immature stops the natural development process, causing the body to lack nutrients. Do not skip breakfast: A nutritious breakfast is always the first recommendation of nutritionists. A healthy breakfast will contribute to supporting metabolism, helping the body absorb nutrients more efficiently. This will greatly affect the ability to grow in height.

Tập thể dục đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong việc phát triển chiều cao ở trẻ
Tập thể dục đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong việc phát triển chiều cao ở trẻ

3.3. Sleep enough and on time

Scientific sleep and rest habits help a lot for physical development, because when sleeping, the body will rest, regenerate and restore cells. Parents should give children enough sleep at least 8 hours at night and should go to bed early before 10 pm, waking up early will be much better for the body. In addition, parents should also train their children to take a nap for at least 15-20 minutes. If you maintain the habit of sleeping on time and getting enough sleep, it will help your child have a deep sleep, helping the growth hormone to be fully produced while the body is in deep sleep. The higher the time and quality of sleep, the more hormones the body secretes, making the growth and development process better.
During follow-up, parents see that the child's height is -2 standard deviations lower for age or the growth rate is low compared to age, so they need to take the child to see a pediatric endocrinologist. The doctor will evaluate through examination and screening to find the cause of slow growth in height (CTTCC) with some tests as follows:
Bilan screen for possible causes of delayed height growth such as blood tests, X-ray of hand bones to assess bone age, abdominal ultrasound. When the cause of growth hormone deficiency (GH: growth hormone) is suspected, the child is assigned to undergo GH-stimulating therapy at the hospital to determine the possibility and degree of growth hormone deficiency. If it is determined that the CTTCC has an indication for treatment with GH, the child will be instructed to inject GH with a special instrument by a professional team of the hospital's Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology. Puberty is a golden opportunity to increase a child's stature, escape the risk of being "shorter" than his peers in adulthood. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to investing in children during this period in terms of adequate nutrition, physical training, and scientific activities to promote the optimal height of the child.
If in the cases of applying the above measures but the height of the child cannot be improved, parents should take the child to specialized medical facilities of Endocrinology - Pediatrics for examination and treatment support when needed. set.
Currently, at Vinmec International General Hospital, there is a team of Endocrinologists - Pediatricians with many years of experience in examination and treatment who will give the best advice and treatment regimen, ensuring health. comprehensive for baby.

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Note: This article is part of the Vinmec International General Hospital System's Awareness Program on Growth Retardation, with the support of Novo Nordisk
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