How much food can the stomach hold?

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1. Learn about our stomachs

The stomach contracts and grinds to allow food to absorb gastric acid and metabolize food by the digestive enzyme system in the gastric juice.
Sounds simple right, but it's a longer process than you think.
After food is partially crushed by chewing and partially broken down by enzymes found in saliva, the food is brought down through a smooth muscular tube called the esophagus and to the stomach. The stomach is a place to store, crush, mix food with gastric juice as well as absorb nutrients, although not significantly. And then, they will be taken to the small intestine to perform the process of digestion and absorption as well as elimination.
The very low pH of the stomach (from 2 to 2.5) is not only effective in digestion but also effective in disease prevention. Some patients with gastric mucosal atrophy are not able to maintain a low pH, which is a fairly effective chemical barrier to destroy food-borne pathogens, so they are prone to infections. Intestinal infections, if this pH is too low, it will cause peptic ulcers. In particular, there is a spirochete called Helicobacter Pylori that is extremely important in causing ulcers as well as stomach cancer.

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2. How much food can the stomach hold?

The stomach of an adult can hold up to 2 liters of water. Estimating how much solid food you can eat is quite difficult when the food has been processed by the teeth before entering the stomach. Let's see, the stomach definitely doesn't have enough room for a chubby industrial chicken but a smaller chicken would probably fit in the stomach too.
Not only plays an important role, you will be even more surprised to know the magic of the stomach in terms of its ability to hold a variety of foods.
The stomach has the ability to “process” everything. This of course depends on how you define “process.” The stomach can work with everything you swallow. The stomach knows. exactly what to do with meat, fruit, or even a piece of rubber you've accidentally swallowed.Acids and enzymes destroy the topology of food, thereby clearly separating what can and can't. Indigestible substances will go straight to the intestines and be excreted.
Hope you have understood your digestive system and stomach capacity to have a reasonable diet.
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