How much does a 12 month old baby weigh?

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During the first 12 months of life, a baby goes through periods of rapid development. Although babies of the same age and sex may differ in size, their weight is one of the signs of good nutrition and proper physical development. How much does a 12 month old baby weigh?

1. How much does a 12-month-old baby weigh?

Healthy babies can be born with many different sizes, but their development tends to be quite predictable. During a physical exam, your pediatrician will consider your child's weight, height, and age to see if he or she is growing as expected. According to the World Health Organization, WHO has established standards for the development of infants and young children known as weight charts. The average weight of a newborn baby ranges from 3.2 kg to 3.4 kg. Most healthy full-term newborns weigh between 2.6 and 3.8 kg. Infants weighing more than 4 kg at term are older than average, and low birth weight infants are when full term babies weigh less than 2.5 kg.
During the first days of life, both exclusively breastfed and bottle-fed babies will lose weight, which is completely normal. Exclusively breastfed babies can lose up to 10% of their body weight and bottle-fed babies can lose up to 5%. However, within two weeks, most babies will regain all of their lost weight and return to their birth weight. Most babies will gain about 0.45 kg per month within the first six months. For girls, the average weight at six months is 7.3 kg and 7.9 kg for boys.
How much does a 12 month old baby weigh? From 6 months old to 12 months old, weight gain will slow down a bit. Most babies by the time they are 5 to 6 months old have doubled their birth weight, and 12 months old will have tripled their weight. By the time a baby is 12 months old, the average weight of a girl is about 8.9kg, with boys weighing about 9.6kg.

Đến khi trẻ 12 tháng tuổi, cân nặng trung bình của một bé gái là khoảng 8,9kg, bé trai là 9,6 kg.
Đến khi trẻ 12 tháng tuổi, cân nặng trung bình của một bé gái là khoảng 8,9kg, bé trai là 9,6 kg.

2. Factors affecting children's weight

While it's perfectly normal for babies to lose weight in the first few days of life, after that stage, weight loss or poor weight gain is a sign of some problem. For breastfed babies, it can mean that they are not getting enough breast milk or that breast milk lacks nutrients. In terms of weight gain, exclusively breastfed babies are less likely to gain weight too quickly than formula-fed babies. Breastfeeding may even help prevent excess weight gain and obesity. However, an exclusively breastfed baby may gain too much if the mother has an abundant breast milk supply, the baby spends too much time breastfeeding, or the parent introduces solids early. In addition, a number of other factors affect a child's weight such as:
Gender: boys are usually larger than girls and most of them gain weight a little faster during infancy. Nutrition: A baby's rate of weight gain and growth can also vary depending on whether the baby is consuming breast milk or formula. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, exclusively breastfed babies gain weight and grow faster than formula-fed babies for the first 6 months. However, that rate of weight gain may change over the following 6 months. Breastfed babies may gain weight and grow slower than formula-fed babies between 6 months and 12 months of age. Illnesses: Underlying medical conditions can affect a child's development and cause a child to gain weight more slowly. For example, a mother with gestational diabetes, a child with a congenital heart defect may gain weight slower than a child without this condition. Other conditions that affect nutrient absorption or digestion, such as celiac disease (also known as gluten intolerance) can also lead to slow weight gain. Premature birth: During the first year premature babies may grow and gain weight more slowly than babies born at full term. However, many premature babies gain weight rapidly in the first few months and can catch up with the weight around the first year.

Trẻ bú sữa mẹ có thể tăng cân chậm hơn so với những trẻ bú sữa công thức từ 6 tháng đến khi trẻ 12 tháng tuổi
Trẻ bú sữa mẹ có thể tăng cân chậm hơn so với những trẻ bú sữa công thức từ 6 tháng đến khi trẻ 12 tháng tuổi

In a nutshell, average baby weight by month can help you gauge if your baby is growing well, but these measurements are not the only indication of good growth and health . If parents want to know how much a 12-month-old child weighs, they can use the weight chart to determine. When you see the child showing signs of weight loss or excessive weight gain, take the child to a medical facility for assessment and advice on timely intervention.
For children to be healthy and develop well, it is necessary to have a nutritious diet in terms of quantity and quality balance. If children are not provided with adequate and balanced nutrients, it will lead to diseases of excess or lack of nutrients, which adversely affect the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental and motor skills.
Children who do not eat properly are at risk of micro-mineral deficiency causing anorexia, growth retardation, malabsorption,... If they notice the above signs, parents should supplement their children with products. The supplement contains lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents please regularly visit the website and make appointments with the leading doctors, pediatric specialists - nutritionists of Vinmec International General Hospital when needing advice on children's health.
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