How long does the Implanon contraceptive implant last?

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The article is consulted by a specialist by Master, Resident Doctor Nguyen Thanh Vinh, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital
With the advantage of only needing 1 implant to prevent pregnancy for 3 years, Implanon is currently a popular line of contraceptive implants.

1. What does the Implanon contraceptive implant do?

Contraceptive implants are plastic tubes that contain birth control pills. Implanted under the skin of a woman's non-dominant hand. This implant uses the hormone etonogestrel or levonorgestrel. This hormone inhibits ovulation, thins the endometrium, and thickens cervical mucus, preventing sperm penetration. This is considered a modern method of contraception and is almost absolutely safe.
When inserting the birth control device, the doctor will numb the inside of your non-dominant arm (usually the left hand), then use a special instrument to insert the implant under the skin. The procedure is quite gentle and quick. You will feel the implant like a toothpick under your skin. When removing, the doctor will also anesthetize and use a tool to gently remove.

2. How long does the contraceptive implant last?

Implanon: 1 stick, effective 3 years is used a lot thanks to the simple implantation technique, good contraceptive effect. The Implanon contraceptive implant is one of the most popular long-term contraceptive methods today and is chosen by many women because of its convenience, effectiveness, and long duration of contraception.
The contraceptive implant is made of plastic, as small as a matchstick, and is implanted under the skin on the inside of the arm. The progestin in the implant is released into the body, thickening cervical mucus and preventing ovulation.
It should be noted that this measure does not prevent HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections.

Biện pháp này không phòng được HIV / AIDS và các nhiễm khuẩn lây qua đường tình dục
Biện pháp này không phòng được HIV / AIDS và các nhiễm khuẩn lây qua đường tình dục

3. The contraceptive implant has many outstanding advantages

Highly effective among the "top" in birth control methods up to more than 99%. Long lasting effect 3 years. When you want to have children again, you just need to remove the implant. 90% of women will ovulate 3-4 weeks after removing the rod. Implant under the arm is quite gentle, discreet, difficult for outsiders to recognize. Suitable for those of you who "remember to forget" but remember to take birth control pills every day is a big difficulty. Suitable for those of you who cannot use estrogen-containing birth control pills: Breastfeeding, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, over 40 years old... Don't worry about complications of intrauterine IUD. Uterine such as genital infection, low slip ring causes unwanted pregnancy, does not affect the husband and wife relationship. May make you less menstrual bleeding and dysmenorrhea.

4. Some things to keep in mind after implanting the contraceptive rod

Phụ nữ bị ung thư vú hoặc nghi ngờ ung thư vú không nên sử cụng que tránh thai
Phụ nữ bị ung thư vú hoặc nghi ngờ ung thư vú không nên sử cụng que tránh thai
When using the contraceptive implant, women need to keep a few things in mind:
The best time to insert the IUD is the first 5-7 days of the menstrual cycle and have not had sex. This is to make sure the woman is not pregnant before using the implant. After 1 day of implantation, the couple can have normal sex. Because the implant is effective 24 hours after implantation. The contraceptive implant causes some side effects such as: amenorrhea, vaginal bleeding, profuse or prolonged vaginal bleeding, lower abdominal pain, pain after implantation. During the first 24 hours after implantation, women should keep the implanted skin dry, avoiding water. In addition, women need to pay attention to the shelf life of the implant and conduct regular check-ups every 3 months. Absolutely do not put the contraceptive stick yourself or go to unreputable medical facilities, the implantation technique is not correct, the implant is of poor quality, not hygienic... will greatly affect your health. In addition, when encountering some of the following cases, women should be careful not to use contraceptive implants.
Women who are pregnant or suspected of being pregnant Women with breast cancer or suspected breast cancer. People are having erythema, vaginal bleeding of unknown cause. People with acute liver disease or liver tumors. People with deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism. Women who want to implant a contraceptive can be done at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.
Implanon implant used at Vinmec Ha Long hospital is Nxt type (with contrast) to help find the implant if it is out of place, difficult to remove the implant.
Currently, Implanon contraceptive implant service is performed by MSc. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Vinh. As a person with many years of experience at major hospitals such as Hue Central Hospital, Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Dr. Nguyen Thanh Vinh is the main doctor who practices medicine at Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital.
Doctor Nguyen Thanh Vinh has also been recognized and honored by many domestic and foreign units.
Customers who are interested in contraceptive implant services at Vinmec Ha Long Hospital can register here or contact hotline 0203 3828 188 for support.
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