When is the best time to implant the Implanon contraceptive?

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thanh Vinh - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.

A woman can implant a contraceptive at any time when it is certain that she is not pregnant at that time. The best time to insert the contraceptive rod is after the menstrual period has stopped, which is usually within the first 5 days from the first day of menstruation.

1. What is the Implanon contraceptive implant?

Contraceptive implants are small plastic tubes containing birth control pills that are implanted under the skin of a woman's non-dominant hand. The ingredients in the contraceptive implant include the hormone levonorgestrel or etonogestrel. Once the contraceptive implant is implanted in the body, a woman does not need to use any other methods of contraception.

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn đã biết cách tránh thai an toàn chưa?

Có rất nhiều biện pháp tránh thai an toàn nhưng không phải ai cũng biết được điều đó. Trả lời đúng những câu hỏi trắc nghiệm dưới đây chứng tỏ bạn có kiến thức tốt về các biện pháp ngừa thai an toàn.

2. Indications for Implanon

All women of childbearing age who want to prevent pregnancy with the Implanon implant and have no contraindications to the implant.
The Implanon implant is especially suitable for women who:
Plan to prevent pregnancy for at least 2-3 years, or have had enough children, need an effective, long-acting method of contraception. Side effects of combined oral contraceptives, older women, smoking or diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure.

Phụ nữ béo phì và tăng huyết áp rất thích hợp với Que cấy Implanon
Phụ nữ béo phì và tăng huyết áp rất thích hợp với Que cấy Implanon

Forgetting pills when taking oral contraceptives, contraindications or difficulties with IUD insertion

3. Contraindication to contraceptive implant

Pregnant or suspected of being pregnant Women who are breastfeeding for less than 6 weeks Diabetics: Diabetics should absolutely not use this contraceptive Unexplained bleeding, bleeding History or suspicion of breast cancer, stroke, severe liver disease, thromboembolic disease Being treated with anticonvulsants, HIV, tuberculosis, epilepsy, certain antibiotics (such as rifambutin or rifampicin, .. )

4. When is the best time to implant the contraceptive stick?

Can be inserted at any time, but definitely not pregnant at the time of implantation. Best after menstrual period.
The implant can be inserted at any time as long as you are sure you are not pregnant. Usually implanted within the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle (ie, the first 5 days from the first day of menstruation) or within the first 5 days after a miscarriage, within 21 days immediately after giving birth. If these times are correct then you do not need to use anything more. However, if this is not true, you must use additional condoms if you have sex within 7 days after implantation.

5. When can the contraceptive implant be removed?

Women can have the implant whenever they want without any side effects or any significant problems. Women only need to go to a medical facility, medical experts will take out the implant for you right away, it only takes 5 - 15 minutes.

Phụ nữ có thể lấy que cấy bất cứ khi nào nếu muốn
Phụ nữ có thể lấy que cấy bất cứ khi nào nếu muốn

After removal of the implant, conception recovers rapidly and completely. Drug levels are no longer available within 1 week of removal of the strip. The earliest possible time to get pregnant is within 1 week of having the rod removed, with fertility usually fully restored within 3 weeks.
Women who want to implant a contraceptive can be done at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.
Implanon implant used at Vinmec Ha Long hospital is Nxt type (with contrast) to help find the implant if it is out of place, difficult to remove the implant.
Currently, Implanon contraceptive implant service is performed by MSc. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Vinh. As a person with many years of experience at major hospitals such as Hue Central Hospital, Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Dr. Nguyen Thanh Vinh is the main doctor who practices medicine at Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital.
Doctor Nguyen Thanh Vinh has also been recognized and honored by many domestic and foreign units. In addition, the system of rooms and equipment, high-class implementation tools, ensuring high quality as well as good sterility helps to minimize possible problems, thereby improving safety. Safe and effective for minor surgery.
Customers who are interested in contraceptive implant services at Vinmec Ha Long Hospital can register here or contact hotline 0203 3828 188 for support.
SEE ALSO: Does the contraceptive implant work right away and how long does it last? What skin area is the contraceptive implant usually implanted in? Some side effects may be encountered when implanting the contraceptive implant
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