How long does it take to change an IUD?

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Posted by Doctor Lai Thi Nguyet Hang - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

An IUD, also known as an IUD, is one of the most effective and long-lasting birth control methods. In Vietnam, the IUD is the method chosen by many women because of its superiority.

1. How is the IUD inserted? How many types of IUDs are there?

IUD insertion is the insertion of a small device (the IUD is usually T-shaped) into the uterine cavity to prevent an egg from meeting a sperm and implanting in a woman's uterus. There are two types of IUDs: copper IUDs and hormonal IUDs.
1.1 Copper T-shaped IUD Is a T-shaped intrauterine device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent fertilization of an egg by a sperm. This is also the most commonly used type of IUD today, with a T-shaped and bow-shaped ring, with a copper coil. The end of the ring has two small wires that stick out from the vagina about 2-3cm to help you check if the ring is still in the correct position.
Mechanism of action: Copper attached to the IUD will act on enzymes involved in the penetration of sperm into the uterine lining, preventing conception. At the same time, the copper ions released every day will affect the sperm's movement and change the uterine environment, making it impossible for the sperm to meet the egg for implantation.

Effective contraception up to 97%, Can prevent pregnancy for a long time: The duration of effect of the T-shaped IUD will depend on the type of ring. With the Tcu 380 ring, the effectiveness of contraception is 8-10 years, while with the Multiload ring, the effectiveness is 5-6 years. Use while breastfeeding: IUDs do not affect the quality of breast milk. Low cost: Because the IUD only needs to be inserted once, the effect lasts for many years, so the cost is significantly reduced compared to other methods of contraception. No effect on motherhood : When women want to have children, women can remove the IUD easily. No need to remember every day like taking the pill every day Doesn't reduce pleasure during sex

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Hình ảnh vòng tránh thai chứa đồng

When you first put on the IUD, you may feel abdominal pain, entanglement, bleeding, can affect the menstrual cycle, menstrual period is longer, bleeding is more, abdominal pain is more in the cycle. Some cases have symptoms of abnormal and large amount of discharge or there are some possible side effects such as headache, acne, back pain...

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn đã biết cách tránh thai an toàn chưa?

Có rất nhiều biện pháp tránh thai an toàn nhưng không phải ai cũng biết được điều đó. Trả lời đúng những câu hỏi trắc nghiệm dưới đây chứng tỏ bạn có kiến thức tốt về các biện pháp ngừa thai an toàn.

2.2 Hormonal IUDs This type of IUD is also T-shaped but instead of copper they contain hormonal hormones, usually Mirena and Liletta types.
Mechanism of action: The amount of endocrine hormone will be released slowly in the uterus to prevent ovulation, and at the same time make the mucus in the uterus thick and thick, creating a barrier to prevent sperm penetration; It also thins the lining of the uterus, preventing pregnancy.
Contraceptive effectiveness is as high as 98-99%, effective duration 3-5 years. The hormonal part from the IUD only affects the lining of the uterus, so it does not affect the whole body. With hormonal IUD insertion, menstrual cycle more stable, less abdominal pain, less bleeding compared to copper IUD. The method of hormonal IUD insertion is relatively safe, does not affect the ability to conceive and reproduce, and can be removed at any time for pregnancy and childbirth when there is a need. In addition to the contraceptive effect, the hormonal IUD is also considered an effective treatment for hormonally related menstrual bleeding and cases of menorrhagia due to uterine fibroids, or endometriosis. uterus. Cons:
High cost and shorter duration than copper IUDs. There is no immediate and rapid effect due to the amount of hormones that take time to release. Therefore, after the hormonal ring is inserted, it is necessary to use other methods of contraception: condoms, birth control pills... Some people may have menstrual disorders, weight gain, acne, etc. chest tightness, headache, nausea, mood swings... when the ring was first placed.

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Hình ảnh vòng tránh thai nội tiết

2. Notes when inserting an IUD

The IUD is not suitable for all women. Therefore, it is necessary to visit specialized medical facilities to be examined before placing, to ensure that the IUD insertion process is conducted in a hygienic environment, with correct technique, without causing damage to the uterus and other types of IUDs. pregnancy is used to ensure quality.
Women who are young and have not given birth, who plan to have children in a few years, should use another method of contraception. Women with multiple sex partners should not use an IUD because the IUD is not able to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Those who have the uterine cavity too loose, the cervix is ​​torn, the uterine prolapse is above the 2nd degree (when the IUD is put in, it's easy to fall off). Women whose cervix is ​​too narrow or too hard to dilate and cannot use an IUD. When having secondary inflammatory diseases, the infection should be treated thoroughly, then the IUD should be inserted. Current cases of genital tumors: uterine fibroids, ovarian tumors Unexplained vaginal bleeding, pregnancy or suspected pregnancy...

3. Time to put the IUD

The best time to put on an IUD is right after the end of menstruation, 6 weeks after giving birth or right after abortion.
During and after the IUD is inserted, a woman may feel some cramping. Rest, avoid heavy work in the first week. Abstain from sexual activity for 1 month after the IUD is inserted. Follow-up check-up 1 month after IUD insertion and periodic check-ups at the doctor's request. If you feel unwell, you need to go to the hospital for a checkup immediately.

Phụ nữ sau đặt vòng tránh thai cần tái khám ngay khi xuất triệu dấu hiệu bất thường
Phụ nữ sau đặt vòng tránh thai cần tái khám ngay khi xuất triệu dấu hiệu bất thường

4. Does long-term IUD have any effect?

Each type of ring, the manufacturer has a certain shelf life. Women who put on an IUD if they leave it on for too long compared to the prescribed period, there will be risks such as: broken ring and perforation of the uterine muscle; the risk of "sticking" pregnancy, because the contraceptive effectiveness of the expired ring will decrease or no longer...
In fact, obstetricians and gynecologists often encounter cases of women leaving IUDs in the uterus. long, after menopause, the age of retirement. For women who have kept the ring for too long but have not been checked for a long time, specialist doctors recommend that you go to a gynecologist, do an ultrasound to see if the ring is still in the uterus or not...
If placed the IUD for too long, it is possible that the IUD falls out without the woman knowing, leading to an unwanted pregnancy or the ring goes into the abdomen, even the ring penetrates the bladder
Women If you are using an IUD to prevent pregnancy, you should visit a reputable medical facility for regular check-ups and advice on when to remove the IUD at the appropriate time.

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Basic gynecological examination and screening package for female customers, has no age limit and may have the following symptoms:
Abnormal vaginal bleeding Having menstrual problems: irregular menstrual cycle, irregular menstrual cycle Irregular vaginal discharge (smell, different color) Vaginal pain and itching Female clients have several risk factors such as poor personal hygiene, Unsafe sex, abortion,... Female customers have other symptoms such as: Abnormal vaginal discharge, itching, pain in the private area, abnormal vaginal bleeding.

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