How long does it take for a baby to have swollen gums to start teething?

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Starting from the 6th month, the baby's first baby teeth will appear with some "disorders" in the body such as: swollen gums, anorexia, mild fever, drooling and irritability...

1. Signs suggest your baby is about to start teething

The time of teething of each child is not the same, some children grow early from 4-5 months, some children grow late after 10 months. However, in general, the baby teething schedule of babies will last from the 6th to the 30th month. In case the baby is teething late, the mother can think of reasons such as:
Premature birth, regime Improper nutrition, lack of nutrients. Genetic factors from family. Children lack calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients leading to growth retardation and malnutrition. Children eat solid foods late, gums are not stimulated by chewing and swallowing reflexes. Because each baby's body is different. Usually, the difference in the time of eruption of baby teeth in children will not be more than a year compared with peers. Mothers can monitor the baby's teething signs through the following typical signs:
The most recognizable sign when a baby is teething is swollen gums, swollen gums, red inflammation, sometimes ulcers. This makes children uncomfortable, irritable and often fussy, eat poorly.
When teething, the child's body is often tired, sleepless, uncomfortable due to "disorders" inside the body.
Most children have a lot of saliva, like to gnaw and bite all the time around due to itchy gums.
Some children have mild digestive disorders, commonly called "tooth teething" in folklore.
Children often have a low-grade fever. Parents do not need to give children fever reducers if the temperature is below 38.5 degrees Celsius, instead, the mother feeds the baby a lot, wearing cool clothes. Use paracetamol to reduce fever and relieve pain if the child has a fever above 38.5 degrees Celsius.

2. How long does it take for babies to grow teeth to grow teeth?

Teething symptoms in children such as: swollen gums, salivation, discomfort, anorexia, fussiness, low fever, frequent biting, chewing... usually occur three to five days before teeth erupt, and ends after five to seven days. These manifestations are just normal physiological processes of the child's body.

Quấy khóc, sốt nhẹ là triệu chứng mọc răng ở trẻ
Quấy khóc, sốt nhẹ là triệu chứng mọc răng ở trẻ
Symptoms of swollen gums will be worse when the baby's first baby tooth comes in. In addition, when teething, the baby's gums must crack, which can easily lead to oral infections if not cleaned carefully. The discomfort of cracked gums causes babies to cry more and lose weight. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to daily oral hygiene for children with medical gauze and physiological saline.
Parents need to keep a calm attitude to take care of their children during teething. In case the child has a high fever, an infection of the gums, it is necessary to take the child to the dentist for treatment and to reduce uncomfortable symptoms for the child.

3. How to reduce pain for children when teething?

According to experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics (APD), to reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of children when teething, mothers can apply the following ways:
Use a cold damp cloth to wipe the child's mouth or let the child accept . Give your child cold candy. Take OTC (over-the-counter) pain relievers like Tylenol, but consult your doctor about dosage and duration. Particularly, anesthetics containing benzocaine should be used with caution, should not be given to children to avoid poisoning. You can give your baby a pacifier to reduce the dull pain that makes your baby sleepless. During the day, children can be taken out to play to forget the pain and feel more comfortable. Some pain relievers can be used for children such as: Advil, Motrin, Tylenol as prescribed by the doctor. Dental hygiene for children to avoid dental diseases. At the same time, when drool flows a lot down the neck and chest, it can cause dermatitis and rashes, so mothers need to pay attention to cleaning and drying the baby's skin. Never use aspirin to lower a child's fever in any way, including drinking it or rubbing it on the gums. Do not use rubbing alcohol or gels on your child's gums in the hope of reducing swelling, this can be harmful to the health of the child. In case the child has a fever above 38.5 degrees Celsius, you can use Paracetamol to reduce fever, the dose is 10-15mg per kilogram of body weight, once every 4 hours. If your child has a milder fever, no medicine is needed. However, if the child has a high fever with diarrhea, parents should take the child to the doctor because it may be caused by a disease other than teething. Signs of discomfort when teething babies such as swollen gums, fever, digestive disorders... are normal physiological manifestations of the body. Therefore parents should not be too worried. It is necessary to keep children's oral hygiene, take them for dental check-ups every 6 months to detect and treat oral diseases early, and keep their baby's baby teeth healthy.
Baby will start teething in the period from 6 months to 3 years old, mother should monitor the teething time of the baby to go to the doctor early when there is slow teething phenomenon, to avoid causing complications later. At this stage, although the baby's immune system has gradually improved, he can still get respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and respiratory infections because he begins to enter the motor development stage. , like Discovery. In addition, the baby may face some other more serious problems, which, if not detected early and treated, will affect long-term development permanently.
Speech delay in 2-year-olds: this is not just a language problem, it can also be a sign of childhood autism or a warning sign of something more serious like hearing loss. Slow motor: slow gross motor skills, slow crawling, slow standing can be a sign of a very dangerous neurological disorder. The problems of rickets, malnutrition, anorexia, slow weight gain can be signs of some diseases of the digestive tract, an unbalanced diet. In addition, parents should also apply some methods to change habits and improve nutrition to support the child's teeth to develop better.
Besides, parents also need to supplement their children with essential micro-minerals such as zinc, lysine, chromium, selenium, vitamin B1, ... to fully meet the nutritional needs of children. The addition of these essential vitamins also supports digestion, enhances nutrient absorption, improves anorexia, and helps children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website to update useful baby care information.
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