Care instructions after wisdom tooth extraction

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The article was written by the Doctor in charge of the Dental - Jaw - Facial Unit - Interdisciplinary Department - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
Tooth extraction is a measure to treat and correct when wisdom teeth are misaligned. However, it is necessary to have a proper dental care and hygiene regimen to avoid infection.
1. Care after wisdom tooth extraction Bite gauze in place within 30-45 minutes after tooth extraction. As the anesthetic wears off, you may feel mild pain and light bleeding that may last for 1 or 2 days. Your cheeks may also swell, and a hematoma may appear. You should apply an ice pack to your cheek right after the extraction, it will definitely reduce pain and swelling. Quickly taking the medicine as prescribed by the doctor, will help you fight the pain effectively. If the bleeding is bright red, apply sterile gauze to the wound and press firmly for 15 to 20 minutes to give enough time for the clot to form again; If you still bleed a lot, you should go back to the hospital for an examination. Do not rinse your mouth when a blood clot has not formed. Do not suck the chip, spit, kick your tongue, poke your hand.. into the wound.

Không mút chíp, nhổ vặt, đá lưỡi, chọc tay.. vào vết thương sau khi nhổ răng khôn
Không mút chíp, nhổ vặt, đá lưỡi, chọc tay.. vào vết thương sau khi nhổ răng khôn
2. Diet after wisdom tooth extraction In the first few days after tooth extraction, you should eat soft and easily digestible foods so that the jawbone does not have to work much. In addition:
Do not eat foods that are too hard, too salty, sweet, sour, spicy, carbonated drinks, alcohol, too hot and other stimulants for the first 2 days. Do not smoke for at least 3 days. Do not drink alcohol during your treatment. For those who have not extracted and intend to remove wisdom teeth, it should also be noted that: Wisdom teeth are considered the most complicated teeth because the teeth are often misaligned, erupting, causing pain to the client and difficulty in extraction. The extraction of wisdom teeth needs to comply with a number of criteria so as not to cause unnecessary complications such as: Prolonged bleeding, Infection after tooth extraction, ... you need to find a reputable address to perform the extraction. tooth.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, all dental services are performed according to strict infection control standards, ensuring maximum safety and hygiene for customers. Highly qualified doctors have performed many successful wisdom tooth extractions from the simplest to the most complex ones.
Care instructions after wisdom tooth extraction

At Vinmec, we have performed many successful wisdom tooth extractions from the simplest to the most complex to ensure maximum safety and hygiene for customers
In addition, Vinmec provides general dental services ( endodontic examination and treatment, cosmetic dental fillings, lip contouring, cystectomy...) and intensive care such as orthodontics, cosmetic dental prosthetics, implant placement are performed in a modern and sterile operating room. absolute coincidence.

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