How long do narcotics last in the body?

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Different ingredients take different amounts of time to absorb and completely dissolve in the body. Therefore, each different assessment method will give different results with different accuracy rates.

1. Addictive substances

1.1. What is an addictive substance? A narcotic is generally any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters the normal functioning of the body in such a way as to induce dependence on the substance or sensation. cravings, addictions, addictions to varying degrees.
Narcotics generally refer to recreational drugs, chemicals that have a negative effect on the central nervous system, such as opioids or hallucinogens. They can be used to create a perception of beneficial effects on cognition, consciousness, personality, and behavior. Some drugs can cause addiction or addiction.
A recreational drug is used as a mental stimulant to provide pleasure, to try an experience, or to reinforce a previously considered positive experience. Laws in many countries prohibit the use of various recreational drugs, while recreational drugs are being tightly regulated in their scope of use.

Chất gây nghiện khiến người dùng mất khả năng kiểm soát hành động của bản thân
Chất gây nghiện khiến người dùng mất khả năng kiểm soát hành động của bản thân

1.2. Recognizing Certain Drugs Cannabis Cannabis, also known as marijuana or cannabis, is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant that is used for medical or recreational purposes. Cannabis' main psychoactive substance is tetrahydrocannabinol, one of 483 known compounds in the plant, including at least 65 other cannabinoids.
Cannabis exists in 3 forms: leaves and dried flowers; cannabis essential oil; cannabis resin. Cocaine Cocaine is a drug extracted from coca leaves, with needle-shaped crystals, colorless and odorless, slightly bitter, cool and slightly numbing the tip of the tongue.
Heroin Heroin is an addictive substance extracted from the opium poppy fruit. Heroin is also known by names like white goods, heroin... Medically, it is used in some countries as a pain reliever or in opioid replacement therapy.
Heroin usually exists in powder form, with different colors, depending on purity. Heroin that is white is usually more pure than brown, or ivory white. It is commonly used by addicts by injecting, smoking, or snorting.

Heroin được dân nghiện sử dụng với nhiều hình thức khác nhau
Heroin được dân nghiện sử dụng với nhiều hình thức khác nhau

Ice meth, also known as ice, is a common name for synthetic drugs, containing methamphetamine and amphethamine, even niketamide, which is complexly mixed from natural and raw materials. Various chemicals in which the main, common ingredient is methamphetamine.
Methamphetamine exists in the form of crystals, iridescent like MSG or granulated salt, is classified as the most dangerous drug and also the most abused in the world.
Ecstasy Ecstasy is also known as Ecstasy. This is a synthetic drug MDMA (methylene dioxy methamphetamine) has a psychostimulant effect. It increases the concentration of neurotransmitters such as Serotonin, Dopamine, Noradrenalin... causing nerve cells to be stimulated non-stop, causing addiction, addiction and secondary exhaustion.
Ecstasy is usually pelletized and comes in different shapes and colors like candies for children.
And some other addictive substances such as: LSD, American grass, ketamine...

Cỏ mỹ là chất gây nghiện mới được du nhập vào Việt Nam
Cỏ mỹ là chất gây nghiện mới được du nhập vào Việt Nam

2. How long do narcotics last in the human body?

As soon as you take a drug, whether by inhalation or by swallowing it, your body breaks it down for absorption. During this process, metabolites and by-products will remain in the blood, urine and even in the hair long after the effect wears off.
Based on these metabolites, researchers will know if the user's habit of using drugs is continuous for a long time or simply taking the drug to stop the seasonal cold.
2.1. Urine Test Narcotics are a collective name for single-use, addictive stimulants of natural or man-made origin. Drugs can be divided into 3 types with increasing toxic concentration: natural, semi-natural and synthetic drugs.
After smoking or injecting, each type of stimulant will have a fast or slow urinary excretion time.

Kiểm tra nước tiểu ở người nghiện nên thực hiện xét nghiệm trong khoảng 30 phút sau khi sử dụng chất gây nghiện
Kiểm tra nước tiểu ở người nghiện nên thực hiện xét nghiệm trong khoảng 30 phút sau khi sử dụng chất gây nghiện

If a positive urine test for stimulants is only valid for a person who has recently used stimulants, about 30 minutes after use, the urine test will be positive and will be negative if later not used for a few days.
For the urine test, the detection potential is high, usually 3 to 6 days for LSD, MDMA (synthetic drugs, ecstasy), morphine and up to 30 days for marijuana (needs) sa).
Therefore, if you do not use heroin but use other stimulants (including some modern drugs, there are also addictive drugs such as morphine, codeine...) then the urine test will be positive for the substance. stimulate. So, despite the limited time of testing, it would be difficult to say whether an addict passed the urine test.
Duration of drug in urine
Alcohol: 3-5 days Amphetamine: 1-3 days Cannabis: 7-30 days Cocaine: 3-4 days Heroin: 3-4 days Hallucinogen: 1-3 days Ecstasy: 3-4 days Methamphetamine: 3-6 days Morphine: 2-3 days 2.2. Blood test

Để có kết quả chính xác nên thực hiện xét nghiệm các chất gây nghiện qua máu trong khỏng 12 tiếng
Để có kết quả chính xác nên thực hiện xét nghiệm các chất gây nghiện qua máu trong khỏng 12 tiếng

In fact, drugs or any addictive substance or stimulant when entering the body also forms one of the components in the blood. Therefore, blood drug testing is a type of test to detect diseases of the blood and blood components. With each different drug, different duration of life will give blood test results with different accuracy rates.
However, research results show that addictive substances such as LSD (pain reliever, hallucinogen), morphine (analgesic, anesthetic), heroin, amphetamines (stimulant) and alcohol They only last in the blood for about 12 hours or less.
Longevity of the drug in the blood
Alcohol: 10-12 hours Amphetamine: 12 hours Cannabis: 2 weeks Cocaine: 1-2 days Heroin: 12 days Hallucinogen: 2-3 hours Ecstasy: 1-2 days Methamphetamine: 24-36 hours Morphine: 6-8 hours 2.3. Hair Test

Xét nghiệm chất gây nghiện trong tóc là chính xác nhất
Xét nghiệm chất gây nghiện trong tóc là chính xác nhất

While hair-based tests are pretty accurate, blood or urine tests can't even detect most drugs if stopped for about a week . For example, heroin (a narcotic substance that can cause pain) is often undetectable in the urine 3 to 5 days after cessation of use.
The hair-based drug detection test is the most accurate. Traces of all types of alcoholic beverages remain in the hair follicles and can persist for up to 90 days once use is stopped.
Lifetime of narcotics in hair
Alcohol: up to 90 days Amphetamine: up to 90 days Cannabis: up to 90 days Cocaine: up to 90 days Heroin: up to 90 days Psychoactive drugs LSD: up to 3 days Ecstasy (MDMA): up to 90 days Methadone: up to 90 days Morphine: up to 90 days

3. Unforeseen consequences when addictive substances remain in the human body for a long time

Các chất gây nghiện khiến con người tổn hại đến sức khỏe, mất kiểm soát hành vi, vi phạm pháp luật
Các chất gây nghiện khiến con người tổn hại đến sức khỏe, mất kiểm soát hành vi, vi phạm pháp luật

Cannabis Initially, low doses cause hallucinations for 2 or 3 hours with manifestations such as: Happy, relaxed, hungry, increased heart rate, red eyes, poor concentration, or talkative or quiet thought...
Gradually, high doses cause feelings of restlessness, difficulty controlling emotions, hallucinations, anxiety, fear, behavioral disturbances...
In addition, cannabis lasts for a long time in the human body also damages memory (causes dementia); affect manual activities such as driving a car, machinery... These symptoms usually subside and disappear when the user stops using marijuana.
Cocaine When using Cocaine for a long time, users will have some symptoms such as: increased heart rate, dilated pupils, sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure, excitability, long-term use leads to body weakness, Overdose leads to coma, cognitive disorders...
Cocaine is considered one of the most dangerous drugs today, just a few seconds after inhaling, cocaine will have a strong impact on the body. It prevents the brain from absorbing the relaxation hormones serotonin and dopamine. When the blood cannot be circulated anymore, it will accumulate in a place in the brain, inhibiting the dilation of the pupil, creating a strong feeling of euphoria.
The feeling of satisfaction when using cocaine usually lasts from 5 to 30 minutes and it is important that it has an addictive effect, making people want to use it again and again.

Cocain khiến người dùng muốn sử dụng liên tục
Cocain khiến người dùng muốn sử dụng liên tục

Heroin Heroin has an inhibitory effect that reduces the activity of the brain and central nervous system. Heroin is most commonly used as a recreational drug that causes euphoria.
How long can Heroin stay in the body? - up to 90 days hair test can still detect heroin
Long-term use: body requires increased dose, vein damage, loss of appetite, illness, menstrual irregularities and difficulty conceiving in women , affect erectile ability in men, easily lead to heart and lung diseases, can shock drugs when used in high doses for too long, overdose can cause death.
Methamphetamine is a strong stimulant to the central nervous system when inhaled directly into the lungs. When using for the first time, users will feel excited, have a feeling of vitality. When used for a long time, the body requires an increase in dosage.
Specific expression: Disturbing, stimulating sexual desire, if not satisfied, easy to develop sexual assault. Not only that, but also affected by schizophrenia: restlessness, anxiety, fear, prolonged feeling of fatigue, hallucinations of always suspecting that there are followers or harming them.
How long can methamphetamine last in the body? - up to 90 days hair test can still detect Methamphetamine.
Methamphetamine has a higher addictive potential than traditional drugs and is also more difficult to quit.

Thuốc lắc được sản xuất với nhiều màu sắc, hình dáng khác nhau
Thuốc lắc được sản xuất với nhiều màu sắc, hình dáng khác nhau

The most common symptoms: dilated pupils, loss of pain sensation, paranoia, always having sexual desires, change in sleeping habits, may stay awake or sleep for many days.
Use for a long time, the more serious the harm: neurological disorders, nerve degeneration, depression, anxiety, memory loss; prone to kidney failure; long-term, hard-to-recover brain damage; heart failure, convulsions, severe can cause death...
Using drugs seems to be just an elegant pleasure, but in fact that pleasure is daily wearing down the user's body use. The longer it stays in the human body, the more dangerous it is, causing bad consequences not only for themselves but also for the whole family and society.
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