How long after suction kidney abscess can recover and is it dangerous?

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Hello doctor. I have a kidney abscess, have had the abscess aspirated for nearly 10 days, but until now, the exploration has not progressed. So, how long does it take to recover after suctioning a kidney abscess and is it dangerous? Thank you doctor.
Ng Force (1988)
Hello. Because you did not specify the current situation, as well as in addition to aspiration of the abscess, how to use antibiotics, according to the antibiotic chart.
To be able to clearly advise on the question "How long can I recover after aspiration kidney abscess and is it dangerous?" Your doctor invites you to visit a urology specialist at a hospital under Vinmec Health System to check the use of antibiotics, as well as consider whether an external abscess needs to be drained.
Hope to see you soon and discuss more. Hope your health gets better soon.
Answered by Doctor of General Surgery - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
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