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Articles in Urology

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Abdominal pain above the navel with frequent urination during the day is a sign of what disease?
Hi doctor. I am 30 years old, for 1 month now I have abdominal pain on the left navel, not much pain. Intermittent pain, accompanied by urinary symptoms. After urinating, the pain eases a bit, then it hurts again.
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Urinating many times a day with pain in the abdomen below the navel is a problem with the bladder and urinary tract?
Hello doctor, I am 16 years old, I have symptoms of urinating many times a day. At night, if you do not drink water after 7 o'clock, urinate at least 2 times during the night and feel pain in the abdomen below the navel.
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Frequent urination and the smell of food is due to kidney function?
Dear doctor, recently every time I drink coffee, when urinating, the smell of coffee smells like coffee or eating wormwood. Doctor let me ask if the case of frequent urination and the smell of food is due to kidney function? I thank you doctor.
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How long after suction kidney abscess can recover and is it dangerous?
I have a kidney abscess, have been sucking the abscess for nearly 10 days, but until now, the exploration has not progressed. So, how long does it take to recover after suctioning a kidney abscess and is it dangerous? Thank you doctor.
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Diarrhea and hematuria are signs of what disease?
Hello doctor! I have painful urination and my urine is dark (pink) and has sediment. If I take the medicine late, I will have blood in my urine, this is the 3rd time I have encountered this case. So the doctor asked me if this is a sign of disease and is it dangerous? Thanks for the advice doctor!
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7mm kidney stone, grade 1 water retention is serious? How is the treatment?
Hi doctor. May I ask if I have a 7mm kidney stone, is level 1 water retention serious? How to treat kidney stones?
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What additional tests are required for irregular blood pumping to the heart?
I often get tired and stressed, have headaches. I have been to many doctors and the result is Anxiety Disorder. I have changed my lifestyle and established good habits, but no progress. Recently, when I went to the doctor, I was diagnosed with "Irregular blood pumping to the heart, leading to less blood perfusion to the brain, causing fatigue". The doctor asked me with the results of the irregular blood pumping to the heart, what more tests do I need to do? Need blood test, echocardiogram, stomach and digestive system? I have some accompanying symptoms such as fatigue, numbness of hands and feet, headache when waking up, poor eating. Ask your doctor for advice. I would like to thank you.
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Testicular trauma due to impact?
Em có chơi đá bóng bị đá vào cơ quan sinh dục. Đến bay giờ đi vận động mạnh là nhói nhói ở tinh hoàn bên trái em muốn bác sĩ tư vấn em nên đi khám hay điều trị như thế nào ạ. Em cảm ơn
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Vascular complications in patients with nephrotic syndrome
Hội chứng thận hư thường gặp trong các bệnh lý của cầu thận. Biến chứng hội chứng thận hư thường rất khó lường và tắc nghẽn mạch chính là một trong số đó.
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