How long after aortic valve replacement can I play sports?

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Hello doctor! I replaced the aortic valve through the skin, now my health has recovered. So the doctor asked me how long it takes to replace the aortic valve before I can play sports? Looking forward to consulting your doctor help me. I would like to thank
Tran Hieu Trung, 1959
Hello. First of all, congratulations on your good recovery after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVI). You need to take the full medication as prescribed and have regular check-ups with your Cardiologist. To accurately answer the question of how long it takes to replace the aortic valve to be able to play sports, the doctor needs to know specifically how the current state of heart failure is, whether there are other co-morbidities. You need to send the most recent echocardiogram results, NT ProBNP test, coronary survey results... From there, you can give advice after replacing the heart valve whether you can play sports. However, the doctor advised him at the age of 61, the sport of tennis is a bit heavy, first of all for the knee, elbow, and wrist joints. You can exercise in a moderate way: cycling, swimming, walking, golf,...
Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Answered by Specialist Doctor II Nguyen Bang Phong - Internal Medicine - Interventional Cardiology cum Head of Heart Failure Clinic - Heart Failure Intensive Care Clinic - Vinmec Time City International Hospital
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